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MOVIE: 50 First Dates (2004) DIRECTOR: Peter segal GENRE: comedy PURPOSE: grammar review (present continuous, adverbs of frequency, simple present), vocabulary review (jobs, greetings, family) and viewing comprehension.

After you watch the movie, circle the right answer!

1. Who plays Henry Roth? a) Adam Sandler b) Rob Sheinder c) Drew Barrimore 2. Where does the movie take place? a) Australia b) Jamaica c) Hawaii 3. What is Henrys job? a) Secret agent b) Architect c) Veterinarian 4. What is Henrys marital status? a) Married b) Single c) He has a girlfriend 5. Where does Henry meet Lucy for the first time? a) In a restaurant b) At the caf c) At the beach 6. Which meal did they have at the caf? a) Breakfast b) Lunch c) Dinner 7. Where does Lucy and Henrys first kiss happen? a) At the beach b) At the acquarium c) At the pinapple field 8. Why does Lucy forget everything? a) Because she suffered a car accident b) Because her mother died c) Because she was born like this 9. How often does Lucy go to the caf? a) Hardly ever b) Always c) Sometimes


Which date does Lucy think a) November, 5 (Sunday) b) October, 13th (Sunday) c) September, 11th (Saturday)


Why does Lucy like smelling a) Because they smell like a Maple Syrup b) Because they smell like chocolate c) Because they smell like fish d) Because they smell like pineapples

it is everyday?

Henrys fingers?


In the movie, we listen to

the Hawaiian greeting Aloha. What does it mean in English? a) Good morning b) Hello c) Its nice to meet you 12. side? a) She gives him a kiss b) She screams and beats his head c) She tells Henry she loves him 13. What colour is Lucys car? a) Red b) Brown c) Yellow 14. What happens the second a) She is mad at him b) She has a new boyfriend c) She doesnt recognize him 15. Whos Henrys best friend? a) Ula b) Nick c) Alexa d) Lucy time Henry meets Lucy? 18. What is Lucys reaction when she wakes up and sees enry by her 17.

What is the name of Henrys a) Cherry b) Quackers c) Willie d) Chilly What day of the week was a) Friday b) Monday c) Sunday d) Saturday

pet penguin?

Lucys fathers birthday?

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