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Caitlin Farmer English I-1st block Mrs. Knowles 24 September 2013

Lee, Carson-Dewitt, Deborah, and Rosalyn. "Point: Obese People Should Be Protected from Discrimination." N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2013.

In the article Point: Obese People Should be Protected from Discrimination, by: Lee, Deborah, Carson-Dewitt, and Rosalyn, explains how overweight and obese people are discriminated against in school, the workplace and in the doctors office, and how this discrimination effects their health, ability to work and how a law should be passed for antidiscrimination. It also explains how overweight and obese children are being teased in school and are also subject to violence. Overweight and obese students get teased so much, that sometimes it goes unnoticed. Even in the medical field overweight and obese people are being discriminated. These types of people also find it harder to find jobs; also they are paid lower wages than other people. This is a good source for my organization because it gives information on how overweight and obese people are being discriminated and where they are being discriminated. This text helps

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me understand my topic more deeply by giving me examples of discrimination and how it affects our society. It answers my research questions by giving examples of discrimination in the work place, school and even in the doctors office. It gives me reasons why obese and overweight people should being protected from discrimination. I will use my information in an persuasive essay to get people to see that overweight and obese people are being excessively discriminated everywhere! The examples from this text are happening in our society every day. This text gives me clear facts for me to use in an argumentative essay, it gives me enough to prove my point.

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