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Ian Eyon Bin Hamlan Noorhayati Binti Hj Md Yusof Amal Zafirah Bte Hj Md Yusof Muhammad Faiz Bin Hj Sulaiman

Louis Liew Yu Chiang

Slide Contents

Describe the main objective of the course Progress completed from week 3 to week 9

Objectives To understand the concepts for mechanised production of potato shape pre-processing machine & make improvement to it. To create an actual working shape preprocessing protoype machine Analyse the course of financial upon building a potato machine and manufacturing instructions

Progress Completed
Week 3 Introduction of basic engineering drawing Drawings were made with the help of instruments

Week 4 Use of Excel spreadsheet for numerical analysis and problem solving. Translations of drawings

Week 5

Construction of a 2.5 times full size cardboard model of the potato

Density , mass and volume of real potato

Week 6

Geometrical measurement of potato

Week 7 Analysing 3D drawings Individual test

Week 8

Week 9 Building of cardboard box-section beam


Primary resources: Dr Frank Nickolss handouts Secondary resources: group members

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