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Sodium in the renal Proximal tubule 65% of filtered Na is hereby reabsorbed in the proximal tubule an offence but the

we might consider our verdict on the act because the of leaky situation that reduces the concentration gradient along the tubule, we are talking about gradient between the filtrate and the peritubular plasma. When the movement of the solution get to the late proximal tubule the transport rate becomes slower with tight junctions that helps maintain large gradient. Early tubule sodium gradient drives the co-transport of sodium with bicarbonate, amino acids, glucose or organic molecules. Na/H exchanger uses sodium gradient to drive sodium reabsorption from the filtrate and H secretion into the filtrate At late proximal tubule most organic and bicarbonate have been removed and sodium ions are reabsorbed mainly with chloride/base exchanger

Loop of henle 25% of filtered sodium are reabsorbed here. Thick ascending limb tubule there was multiple mitochondria who generated energy for active transport.

Distal tubule Absorbs 5% of filtered sodium, transport via sodium chloride co transport protein

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