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Newcastle Institute What? Who? When? Where?

The Art Gallery Fiasco:- What have we learnt?

Newcastle Institute Monthly Forum Wednesday October 9th 7.00pm Newcastle City Hall (Hunter Room)

Contact: or Sheena Martin 0408 733386

A major expansion of Newcastles Art Gallery has been a dream of supporters of the Gallery for years. Until recently, it seemed that this would finally be

achieved, with plans in place, fourteen milion dollars of Federal and State funds on the table, and building work under way. Now the building work is on hold, the funds gone, and questions are being asked:- Why? and What happens now?

The next forum of the Newcastle Institute will focus on the lessons of this fiasco. How can the city avoid such failures of decision-making and resultant waste? Why did the community lose interest? Is a large major gallery what the city wants or needs anyway? Are sports facilities or road repairs a better priority? If there are going to be public funds to support for the arts, should they be spent in different ways? And are there lessons for any type of community group wanting to gain funding and support for their projects?

These questions will be addressed by a panel representing a variety of perspectives:- Denise Frost from the Art Gallery Foundation; Vic Levi,

Chairman of Hunter Academy of Sport; Chris Ford, Communications Consultant & Art Patron; Martin McKenzie of Octapod, representing young, alternate and emerging artists; and Gillean Shaw, Art Curator at Newcastle University. Bernie Curran will take the role of facilitator in a Q&A style panel/public discussion.

There are a wide variety of opinions in the community about the Art Gallery, but the city needs to put the fiasco behind it, and make better plans for the future.

This forum is open to the general public. Admission is a $5 donation and can be paid at the door. Bookings not required.

The Newcastle Institute October Notice 2013

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