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Analysis of consumer Behavior: clear shampoo Profile of the Target Market:

An overall view of the target market based on demographic, psychographic and socio-economic factors will be discussed thoroughly in this part of the report. From this discussion it could easy to find sum of all potential target customers age, sex, and the income. This section has been discussed depending on the result of the survey that we have done on 60 people. 1.1.1 Demographic Factors:

Demographic factors include size, location, age income, gender etc. Considering all these factors we have made a questionnaire consisting 60 questions and a survey has done to different customers. After surveying we found some information which is given below From the survey we found the result of demographic factors which are described below.


Most of the product are deigned to target specific group of customer. Based on this, we have divided our total customer in two groups that are male & female. We made our survey based on 60 peoples opinion. Among these people 70% were male and 30% were female.

We found from survey result that among these 70% male, 90% are Clear shampoo customer and among these 30% female, 10% are the customer of clear shampoo. According to our survey finding result, it is understood easily that most of the customers of Clear shampooare male.

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