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Kondrat 1 Christina Kondrat English 1- Block 4 Mrs. Knowles 25 September 2013 Nearing, Brian. Atheists, agnostics cultivate community.

Times Union. 09/03/2011 In the article Atheist, agnostics cultivate community; Brian Nearing interviews Martin on how he became an atheist. Martin explains that when he was a child siting in church what he was hearing wasnt believable. Then he goes on explaining that he spoke as his fathers memorial service at church, and some people were surprised that he came. He said that atheists dont have a problem being in church, they go to weddings and funerals for their friends that believe. Religions rely upon texts to help members understand the word. Martin says atheism is not about scripture so much as it is a critical thinking argument, that there is no proof of God. In addition, he says that atheist reject the idea that someone cannot be good without God. He continues to explain that atheists think that being moral has an objective definition for how you treat people. Moreover he explains that atheists are social just like people of faith are. Then he says that atheists are politically diverse, and that they are people who value individual choice. This text helped me understand atheism more deeply because it went into detail of how a person may become an atheist, and how they feel and think about certain things. It also, helped me see how they live their lives without God. This is a good resource for my organization because it lets me explain that atheists dont have anything to really live for religiously. Another reason would be that atheists are mainly into politics. For instance they have conservative members that tend to be libertarians. They are also against many things that have to do with religion. This text helps me answer my questions because it tells me how some people become

Kondrat 2 atheists, and it shows me how an atheist would think and feel about religion. In my project I will use this information to prevent people from feeling that what is being said isnt true. Also, to argue that not all atheists think this way that some may be rude and ugly toward those who believe in God.

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