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Following are some of the requirements to make a simple Website Using Powerpoint program create a website (refer from the internet sample or other colleges) Contents are the following: Attached related logo (refer to shared_marollano/logo, ust site or internet) See the Faculty of Pharmacy Administration (from UST site) Make your own caption to our college (sample: College of Science :

Separate the 3 departments (medtech, pharmacy and biochem) that can connect from their informations. See the sample Include the history of each departments Attach sample pictures and other informations
You may add some necessary information. Use some animated pictures to your website design.

Print out the homepage design only using photo paper (use short bondpaper size) Submission of printout homepage design will be Thursday, Sept 5. Class president will collect all the printout page and place it on a short brown envelope. Write your name at the back of paper.


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