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Prayer Pilgrimage

After the great Noisy Prayer service, last Sunday evening, we are planning the next event in our Year of Prayer. On Wednesday October 9th, we will be holding a prayer pilgrimage around the area to pray for our community and for the churchs mission. More details will be available in the next couple of weeks but please do book the date in your diary and consider coming as a cell.

15th September hosted by the Cell-O-Tape Cell Morning Worship Called by Name John 10: 1-11 22nd September Holy Communion Called to a new identity

Welcome to the Service, especially those who are visiting us for the first time. Please do join us for tea and coffee after the service. There is a welcome desk in the foyer with more information about the churchs activities

This autumn we are looking to run another Marriage Course: The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions designed to help any couple strengthen their relationship. Its a chance to relax together over a meal, to listen to a talk and then to discuss the subject raised with each other. Its a personal, private and valuable time together. Please talk to Will or Donna for more details and to register your interest while we look into venue availability.
Minister: Revd. Will Cookson
(day off Saturday)

Wider Church
Thank you to everyone who helped make last Sunday so special with the visit of the new Bishop of Croydon, Jonathan. He was very impressed by all the people he met and is very supportive of us as a church and our vision and the role we do and can play in the wider church. In that context Will, Donna, Sue and Angie are helping with the Fresh Expressions conference this weekend to help churches in the diocese engage in mission with their communities. Becca and the youth leaders are also away this weekend with our young people at Dalesdown for the MiXXtra weekend of faith and fun. Do pray for them.

020 8404 6064 020 8763 4222

Curate: Revd. Donna Lazenby

(day off Friday)

Pioneer Minister: Sue Bosley (day off Saturday) 020 8773 4787 Church Office 020 8647 3410 Pastoral Care 07871 768 070

September 16th @ 10.30 cafe connect Wallington Library Cafe September 28th @ 10 am Toddler Group leaders Tonbridge September 29th @ 6.30 pm Sutton Schoolswork Service Stanley Park Evangelical September 30th @ 8.00pm PCC meeting Trinity Centre October 3rd @ 8.00pm Sunday Club Leaders 55, Taylor Road October 4th @ 7.00pm The MiX @ the Phoenix October 7th @ 8.00 pm Cell Leaders Meeting October 9th Prayer Pilgrimage October 12th @ 4.00 pm Footsteps @ HighView October 18th @ 3.30 pm Foresters Fun

Pray for our church family

PCC meeting
The next PCC meeting has been rescheduled to the 30th September, 8pm at the Trinity Centre

Sutton Schoolswork
The annual thanksgiving service for this fabulous ministry working in schools in the borough is on 29th September. 6.30pm at Stanley Park Evangelical Church

Marquee Storage
Please pray for:

Everyone away at MiXXtra this weekend: for Becca and the team, and for all the young people there. All the participants on the MSM course this weekend exploring Fresh Expressions of church, and for the team leading the sessions

Springfield has three marquees that need storing when not in use: if you have room for one, please let the office know. They need a couple of square metres of floor space to stand the two crates, two bags and a bundle of poles. If you may be able to help, please contact the church office or the welcome desk

Who are you really? What have you been created for? What, and who, do you live for? Do you know that youve been called? Our autumn sermon series continues today, exploring this theme together, seeing how God calls us in so many ways: how he calls us out of slavery; how he calls us by name; how he calls us to a new identity; how he calls us to be real; how he calls us for the sake of the world; how he calls us to be the Church; how he calls us to be risk takers. Were all called: but how well do you know your name?

Angelas adventure
For prayer chain requests, please contact :

Jean Silvester 8647 5100

She will pass on any pastoral matters as appropriate

Angela Baker was part of a team helping with a childrens bible camp in Aug. Youre warmly invited to an evening of photos/videos and testimonies from the team at St Pats Church, tonight at 6.20pm

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