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EPISODE 415: Love ShAck Baby SCENE 1: The Liars still at Alis grave ( re: EPI 414 ).

Spencer is going through the diary. She doesnt recognize any of the names. Hanna tells her, Ali changed the names but the stories are about them. The girls are mad at Hanna because she kept it from them BUT they do have it now. The girls decide everyone can keep the diary for a little while to each read their own stories and then puzzle it together. Emily gets it first.

INTRO VIDEO SCENE 2: Emilys bedroom, the window is open, Emily is asleep the diary lies in her bed. Alison appears in front of the window. Ali is in Emilys room, Emily wakes up. They have a typical cryptic Ali conversation. Emily asks who is after Ali. She doesnt know. Then Ali notices Emily still wears her friendship bracelet. NEXT Emily wakes up, Alis gone. Was it a dream? The diary is still at the same place and the window IS open. But Emily is not wearing her bracelet. She goes to a box in her closet. There it is. Emily is confused. SCENE 3: Hannas bedroom. Hanna is making herself ready for school. Ashley walks in, she is surprised Hanna is up, regarding what happened with Caleb . Hanna is pretending to be strong. SCENE 4: Tobys apartment. Spencer comes in. Shes surprised Tobys home, he normally had an appointment with her dad. Something came up. Spencer is happy the appointment got cancelled. But Toby wants to pursue it. SCENE 5: ROSEWOOD HIGH PLAYGROUND. Emily is making notes in the diary. Ezra is watching her. It looks like he recognizes it and is eager to get it in his hands. SCENE 6: ROSEWOOD HIGH HALLWAY. Spencer and Aria talking about Arias relationship with Ezra. Its complicated. Spencer uncomplicates it; You like Jake but you love Ezra.

SCENE 7: ROSEWOOD HIGH PLAYGROUND. Spencer and Aria go sit with Emily. Spencer asks Emily if theres anything good in it. Its weird. Emily has a system. All the girls will mark their own stories with a color, when they dont know who the story is about they mark it with white. Hanna sees the girls, she doesnt know to walk up to them.. she eventually does and everyone acts normal to her. Spencer is next to get the diary. Emily asks Hanna about Caleb

and her. Hanna confesses they broke up. The girls are in shock Hanna doesnt want to talk about it. She takes the diary and reads an Ali poem-clue. Aria connects the dots. Its about the busy bee inn a place she and Ali used to go. The busy bee inn has been closed for years. But the girls think Ali might be hiding there. They plan to check it out at night. Ezra is watching them the whole time. SCENE 8: Emily at work. Theres a note in her bag. I want to come home, meet me at our spot. Emily says she has to go to her boss. SCENE 9: Ezras class. Ezra is busy on his computer with headphones on. Aria comes in. Ezra is surprised when he sees her and closes his laptop. Aria says she cant meet him tonight. Ezra says it doesnt matter, he asks where the girls are going. Aria says they are going to a restaurant. SCENE 10: Emily in the woods. At Ali and hers spot. Shes waiting. SCENE 11: Spencer at home on the phone with Toby. She hears voices in the kitchen. Jessica Dilaurentis and her dad are there. As soon as she sees Spencer, Jessica walks off. Spencer asks whats going on. Jessica tells her shes getting a divorce and mister Hastings is helping her with the paper work. SCENE 12: Hanna at the brew. Travis is there too. They start talking. Cece has been spotted at a train station in Maryland. The police think someone paid Cece to kill wilden.

SCENE 13: Spencer and mister hastings in the kitchen. They are fighting about Jessica. Then Spencer asks why he cancelled his appointment with Toby. He heard from Radley. Tobys mothers death was an accident. No suicide, but no murder also. SCENE 14: Emily still at the kissing rock. No one showed up she leaves. The camera pans out and we see emilys friendship bracelet lying on the kissing rock. SCENE 15: Spencer at the brew with Jessica. Spencer tells her to stay away from her dad. SCENE 16: NIGHT: The girls in the car on their way to the busy bee inn. SCENE 17: Hannas house. Ashley and Ezra in the hallway. Ezra tells Ashley , Hanna might fail class he says he can set up an extra work schedule for her. Ashley gets a work call she has to take it. She walks up to the kitchen. This is exactly what Ezra hoped for

SCENE 18: The girls still in the car going through the diary. Aria sees a story about a Suzy Clueless. Talking about a younger guy Aria says maybe Ali didnt meet up with and older guy maybe she met up with a younger guy.. Suddenly Hanna turns up the music volumeShe knows more. SCENE 19: Ashley still on the phone. Ezra is upstairs going through Hannas things. Then opening her laptop. SCENE 20: The girls in the car. Spencer notices some pages are missing from the diary She looks at Hanna suspiciously Then suddenly the car engine stops working.. There they are all alone in the woods. Aria says her uncles (EZRAs) cabin is nearby the girls decide to go there. SCENE 21: Ashleys phone call is over. She walks up to the hallway. AND Ezra is there. SCENE 22: The girls walking up to the cabin. Spencer and Hanna next to each other. Spencer sees her chance. Theres a page missing, you think A took it? Hanna doesnt want to talk about it. Did you take it?. No! and its not going to bring us closer to Ali. The girls arrive at the cabin. They walk in. Aria quickly hides everything that leads to Ezra owning this place. SCENE 23: We see a black man walking up to the cabin. SCENE 24: Hanna is ready to talk she tells the girls that the story about the younger boy is about her and Mike. FLASHBACK: Ali and Hanna. Ali knows she and Mike kissed and is giving Hanna a hard time but she wont tell Aria. Typical Ali-style. SCENE 25: Back in the cabin. Aria is not mad at Hanna. Then they start talking about Caleb. Hanna finally tells them about Miranda. Then we see the hooded person walking up to the window. The person looks at the diary on the table. SCENE 26: Hanna and Emily outside. Hanna is calling Travis to see if he can fix the car. They hear weird noises SCENE 27: Spencer and Aria in a storage room to get some blankets. Suddenly the door closes. They are locked. Aria looks through the lock she sees the hooded person. They have to get out. They open a little window and start screaming. Hanna and Emily hear their screams. And get to the cabin to get them out. They open the door. Then they notice that

Alis book is gone. Suddenly theres a knock on the door. A person is standing in front of it. They open the door scared to death. Its Travis.

SCENE 28: Travis and Hanna in Hannas kitchen. Hanna wants to give him money for the drive home. He doesnt want it then Hanna walks outside on her terrace and starts crying.. SCENE 29: Spencer and mister hastings in the kitchen. Mister hastings is mad at spencer for talking to Jessica like thatShe has to stop it ! SCENE 30: Aria on the phone with Ezra lying about how great her night was. SCENE 31: Aria and Emily in Emilys bedroom they get a text. Its a picture of the busy bee inn with a text. Thanks for tip . Emily and Aria rush off they have to get there now! SCENE 32: -A on a computer. On a program called remote vehicle access. So thats why the car broke down.


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