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Agriculture Ministry to implement various development programs at 8 billion Nakfa Asmara, 2 February 2013 The Ministry of Agriculture indicated

d that it would implement various development programs in the coming 5 years at a total expenditure of 8 billion Nakfa with a view to ensuring food security. It made the statement at an assessment meeting conducted in Asmara over the past 2 days, during which a 5-year work plan was presented. The work plan targets irrigation development, soil and water conservation, afforestation and wildlife conservation, horticulture, crop management, livestock production and processing, veterinary service, poultry, apiculture and animal feed, among others. The Ministry further pointed out that the role of communities, Associations, EDF members, religious institutions, schools, governmental and nongovernmental bodies, as well as individuals was significant in the conservation of natural resources and development activities last year, besides the input of the Summer Work Program. Furthermore, it assessed that gratifying accomplishment has been registered regarding fruits production, and disclosed that dates farming has become promising in the Southern Red Sea region. Accordingly, further achievements have been made pertaining to renovation and construction of diversion canals, introduction of drip irrigation, and production of milk, cereals and vegetables, as well as fruits. The participants of the meeting on their part put forth views regarding several issues. In closing remarks, the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Arefaine Berhe, said that the Ministry would step up efforts towards promoting water conservation potential, and gave briefings regarding the programs mapped out for implementation in 2013. He also called for reinforcement of joint endeavors to this end.

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