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By Bill White



No Gym No Pills No B.S.!

By Bill White



No Gym No Pills No B.S.!

DISCLAIMER: Before taking on any type of diet or exercise, you should consult with your Doctor. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this digital book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Nor is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein Copyright 2013 by

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By Bill White



No Gym No Pills No B.S.!

If youre like me, youd like to have the same body you did in high school, or maybe an even better body. Am I right? The problem is, life gets busy, and when we have so many things demanding out time and attention, we get into a big rut of bad habits. We dont sleep a normal schedule. We eat on the go. And, we deal with increasingly higher levels of stress. And this cycle feeds on itself, we feel our energy draining away, so we drink soda and eat junk food for a little boost. The work day gets stressful so we go home exhausted, then hit the couch and stuff our faces with more junk. Before you know it, theres an extra 20, 50, even 100 lbs. And a decade goes by, our metabolism slows down and the effect gets magnified further. Trust me. I know how you feel. I fought that cycle myself for a very long time. You see, I was working in advertising, where a typical week was between 60-100 hours. I had a family, and my wife wasnt about to let me ignore them. And then, well my marriage was pretty awful. So I was in a never ending cycle of stressful work and stressful home life. Often Id come home very late at night, tired, and hungry. To her credit, my wife would leave me dinner in the microwave, but it was typically a pasta dish of some sort. As I stressed over the arguments at home, I started having a nightly drink before bed, just so I could unwind and go to sleep...typically the precious 3-4 hours of sleep Id get a night. Truly, it became a nightmare. By the time I got divorced, I weighed over 220 lbs, and Im 58. I was considerably overweight, and on the verge of becoming obese. I wasnt happy with my life, but what was worse, I wasnt happy with myself. And the temptation was definitely strong to just shrug my shoulders and eat more food to soothe away the disillusionment that my life hadnt turned out the way I imagined. But then, something happened. It was like some switch in my mind got flipped on. I started remember who I really was. And I got the determination to start making my body resemble the guy I knew before this unfortunate twists of fate. Though I didnt think so at the time, perhaps the way things turned out, was a small miracle. You see, the aftermath of divorce had certainly assaulted my finances. Id given my house to my ex-wife. I had to start all over again. Add to that, the fact that I had to pay not only the mortgage on a fully financed house, but also a new child support payment, despite seeing my son every other day. (I bought a home 6 miles from my former place to be close to him.) So quite honestly, I was pretty poor. I didnt have money for the gym. I didnt have money for pills or exercise equipment. But I was more determined than ever before to get my body back to where I wanted it. I wanted to reclaim myself again. I managed to save up enough for a decent pair of walking shoes and a few pairs of sweat pants. And I began my journey.

By Bill White



No Gym No Pills No B.S.!

What follows is how I managed to lose 30 lbs in just under 2 months.

The Truth About Weight Loss

Yes, you can use supplements, pills and even cosmetic surgery to shed unwanted pounds, but Im going to tell you something you probably arent really going to want to hear. All of these things are props. Without a lifestyle change, nothing you do to cheat the weight off will be permanent. If you take pills or supplements, you may lose some weight, but ultimately your lifestyle habits will put those pounds back on. If you get liposuction, youll risk your life to have a surgeon suck the fat cells out of you, but your body will put that fat right back on, only this time, in other places of your body that may be even less appealing than where it is right now. The whole equation of weight depends on 3 main factors. Those factors are amount of daily activity, gender, and height/current weight. Your body is a self regulating machine. Internally your body knows exactly how much it takes to maintain your weight. And this boils down to a simple equation. This equation is called Basal Metabolic Rate, and by knowing it you will know the next steps you need to do if you want to lose (or gain for that matter) weight. How to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate

For Male adults 66.5 + (13.75 x kg body weight) + (5.003 x height in cm) - (6.755 x age) = BMR 66 + ( 6.23 x pounds body weight) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.76 x age) = BMR For Female adults 55.1 + (9.563 x kg body weight) + (1.850 x height in cm) - (4.676 x age) = BMR 655 + (4.35 x kg body weight) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age) = BMR

You can refine this further by factoring the levels of your physical activity into the equation: Seldomly Active- if you do very little or no exercise at all Your daily calorie requirements are BMR x 1.2

By Bill White



No Gym No Pills No B.S.!

Occasionally Active - light exercise between once and three times per week Your daily calorie requirements are BMR x 1.375 Moderately Active - if you do moderate exercise three to five days per week Your daily calorie requirements are BMR x 1.55 Frequently Active - if you do intensive/heavy exercise six to seven times per week Your daily calorie requirements are BMR x 1.725 Exceptionally Active - if you do very heavy/intensive exercise twice a day (extra heavy workouts) Your daily calorie requirements are BMR x 1.9

Once you know what your daily calorie requirements are to maintain your weight, you know also that by increasing the calories beyond that, you will gain weight and by reducing them, you will lose weight. IMPORTANT: Do not go below 1,200 calories per day for women, 1,800 for men. It can be dangerous, and at the very least, will slow your metabolism down (because your body will think it is starving) making it harder to lose weight. Now, this formula can be further refined by including things like bone density and body muscle/fat comparisons, however, it gives you a great solid beginning to work with. For your convenience, weve put a calculator on our website at you can use to make this calculation even faster. Now, quite simply, if you want to lose weight, you should aim for taking off one pound per week. To do that youll need to reduce your calories by 500 per day. (3,500 calories is equal to about 1 pound of body fat) In all honesty, you could do this by cutting out all 500 calories from what you eat, or by doing enough exercise to burn all 500 calories, but its best to try to do both and meet in the middle. On the dietary end, the easiest way to do this is by reducing the portion sizes of your food at each meal. I did this a very quick and fast way, not the best way by any means, but, I bought $1 meals at the store, in the packaged food section that ranged from 350 calories up to 1500 calories, and I would eat 2 of the smaller meals and 1 bigger meal a day. I would typically eat the larger meal for lunch and the other two for breakfast and dinner. I added to this mix a 3 mile a day walk. And all I did was walked my neighborhood in a complete circuit. I did this in about 30 minutes. That may seem daunting at first, and begin with less and then do a little more progressively each day until you can work up to that. For me, it was simply a matter of putting my MP3 player on and getting lost in the music. I would walk in step with the beat and basically daydream the entire time. I was pretty amazed that what seemed really difficult the first day or two got easier each time I did it, until after about 3 weeks, it seemed normal...and when I say that, I mean I would no longer get winded from it and I would only get a mild sweat.

By Bill White



No Gym No Pills No B.S.!

Now that my life is stabilized, Id never go the route of eating boxed meals anymore, because of the preservatives and high carb load of what I was eating, but it worked for me, and I lost 30 lbs in just under 2 months. I went from almost a 40 inch waist down to a 32 inch waist! The point Im making here is that you can do this, with little to no money, and just a 1/2 hour of effort each day. I cant tell you how awesome it was to see my stomach getting thinner each week, and to be able to fit into clothes I couldnt wear since I was in high school. But what was even more amazing was the way I felt. Within just a week or so of doing this, I started sleeping straight through the night. When I woke up, I had energy. All day I felt more vibrantly alive than I had in well over a decade.

When I started out, my resting heart rate was about 100 beats per minute. By the time Id been doing this for 2 months, my heart rate was down to about 65 beats per minute. These are results you can clearly see. And the best thing of all was that I did this and still got to eat what I wanted one day each week. For me this was Friday, the day I always picked up my son to stay over. Every Friday we would go to the Chinese buffet and I would eat sometimes 2-3 plates loaded with food. And I still drank 3 sodas every single day! I had no idea at the time I did this, but Id stumbled onto a secret about losing weight in having my weekly cheat. You see there is a hormone called leptin that is largely responsible for weight loss. In your first week of dieting, typically your leptin levels decline by up to fifty percent because you are cutting back on your food intake and this signals starvation mode to your body. By having my weekly pig out fest, I actually kept my leptin levels higher and that is what made me able to lose as much as I did! The reason Im telling you all of this is that weight loss doesnt have to be this major sacrifice that makes you feel bad and deny you of all of lifes guilty pleasures. But Ill also say that as you see those pounds melting off of you, youre probably going to become a lot like me. You see, once I achieved that 30 lb loss, I wanted more than anything to see just how healthy I could become. So I started learning more about food and what makes it good or bad. I also learned what kinds of food you can eat that will keep your calorie count low while allowing you to eat more of it! So lets turn out attention to that now.

Foods You Can Eat Guilt FREE

The terrific thing I found out is that there are food that are called negative-calorie foods. There is some controversy about how negative they actually are, but the claim is that these foods actually take more energy to digest than they put back into your body. And while these foods contain phytonutrients your body needs to maintain good health, they are lacking the fat-packing calories. Whether they actually contain a few calories or do actually burn more than they provide, what it basically boils down to is that you can eat as much of these foods as you want without worrying about gaining weight. Your stomach has a significant amount of nerves in it, and they are what trigger your brain to say, OK, Im full. With these foods, you can go to that point of fullness and still not gain weight. Which makes it a lot easier for me to stay thin. Lets start with something that isnt a food at all, its pure water. While water has literally 0 calories, it does fill your stomach. So if you drink water with your meals, youll actually want to eat less because the water will contribute to that warm, fuzzy full feeling. What makes these foods negative-calorie, is the fact that they have a lot of water locked up in a very fibrous matrix.

By Bill White



No Gym No Pills No B.S.!

So here is a list of some terrific negative-calorie foods:

Celery is very high in water content and there are only 19 calories in a 120 gram cup of celery. Whats even better about celery is its an alkaline ph vegetable. This means it can aid with digestion, boost energy, and assist with mental clarity. Celery is also a powerful anti-inflammatory, and an active compound in celery, apigenin can reduce risks of ovarian cancer as well.

Celery has properties for reducing blood pressure because it contains active phthalides, which cause the muscles of the arteries that regulate blood pressure. They also reduce stress hormones which cause your blood vessels to constrict.

Lettuce and greens

Lettuce is essentially a vegetable matrix locking in water. 100 grams of fresh lettuce is only 15 calories, so youd get tired of eating it long before youd have to worry about it causing weight gain. In just that 100 grams of fresh lettuce youll get 247% of your daily vitamin A as well as 4443 g of beta-carotene. Both of these have antioxidant properties. You can enjoy the additional benefits of healthy mucus membranes and skin as well as benefits for your vision.

By Bill White



No Gym No Pills No B.S.!

Lettuce can also help to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.

Because lettuce is a rich source of vitamin K, it can potentially help with bone metabolism and limiting neuronal damage in the brain. Vitamin C and folates are also in good supply with lettuce, which helps promote good DNA synthesis resulting in prevention of neural tube defects in-utero...a boon for pregnant women. Vitamin C is also a powerful, natural antioxidant and helps your body build resistance to infections and reduce inflammation. These are just a few of the many benefits of lettuce. One important note to keep in mind, you should avoid burying your salads in dressings, as the dressings are high in calories and most have MSG and soybeans in them, both of which have potential ill effects. You will find most other greens carry the same benefits.

Pickles and cucumbers

Pickles, and the cucumbers they are made from are also very sparing in calories. One cup of cucumbers has just 16 calories in it. Pickles will have a bit more, and some brands also put sugar in them, which would ideally be avoided. However, the spices, vinegar and water they are made with contain no calories. Even with the addition of sugar, most pickles run about 17 calories per cup. Another thing to strive to avoid with pickles is any brands that have FD&C Yellow #5 artificial coloring in them. Try to buy natural pickles whenever possible. Pickles as well as other fermented foods have the additional benefit of being good for your colon, as they contain probiotics. These probiotics are basically beneficial bacteria that help establish a healthy colon and promote better digestion.


Even though Grapefruit actually has 74 calories per cup, Ill mention it as well. While it isnt technically a negative-calorie food, its still fairly low in calories, and it contains naringenin, which is an antioxidant which produces the bitter flavor of grapefruits. The powerful aspect of naringenin is that it triggers the liver to break down fat. Youll get this benefit from grapefruit if you eat the white inner skin, along with the pulp. Note that you will NOT get this benefit from drinking grapefruit juice. The pectin present in grapefruit has been shown to reduce blood cholesterol. It reduces the levels of cholesterol by decreasing reabsorption of cholesterol binding bile acids in the colon.

Strawberries Carrots Tomatoes Watermelon Hot Chili Peppers



No Gym No Pills No B.S.!

Other negative-calorie foods: By Bill White

Oranges Tangerines Apricots Cauliflower Apples Zucchini

While this book has not been exhaustive in every detail of weight loss, dont underestimate its power. Youve been given enough information to seriously reduce your weight without a lot of struggle, money, or sacrifice. That makes this a powerful tool if you will use it. It is my sincerest hope that in reading, and applying the information in this ebook, you will achieve your weight loss goals, safely, and rapidly. And in turn, I hope that you will seek to further learn more about health, fitness and a more holistic approach to living a healthy lifestyle. With those goals in mind, I invite you to explore further with me. You can do so by reading the emails I send, as well as visiting I thank you for your vote of confidence in me and this ebook. You deserve to the body you want, and the effort it requires will be well worth it when you can look in your mirror and smile, regaining that confidence and self-love you know youll have once youve realized your goals.

By Bill White



No Gym No Pills No B.S.!

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