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Lindsay Nock The Land Ethic Reflection The Ever Revolving Circuit It is inconceivable to me that an ethical relation to land

can exist without love, respect, and admiration for land, and a high regard for its value, meaning something broader than economic value. This quote by Aldo Leopold clearly sums up the purpose of his article, The Land Ethic. Without the co-operation of individuals, groups, states and the government, conservation of the land is impossible. In order to protect and preserve the land, there needs to be only a small amount of participation from the government and a huge responsibility or obligation placed on the people and land owners. Every individual needs to be educated on the land in order to effectively use its resources and also maintain its chain of life. As of right now the focus of the use of land is only economic gain. Many people of the world believe some pieces or elements of land to be of no good. They believe these areas to be worthless. What the world fails to realize or understand is that everything that is living or every area that provides a home to a species is connected. Everything within an area of land depends on something else within that space. If there is even one small change, everything else in that environment must change and adapt. Erosion, pollution, and transportation are a few factors that have an effect on or change a land environment. Leopold uses the example of a biotic pyramid to explain how everything is related in some way. He also said that land is a sustained circuit; a slowly revolving fund of life. I think that Leopold has an excellent philosophy on conservation. I agree with his arguments completely, but by reading The Land Ethic, I have come up with some ideas and thoughts of my own. I believe that the land is an every growing, ever adapting part of the earth. I

think that over time, the environment changes along with the weather, agricultural effects and colonization. People have become accustomed to expecting the resources of the land to always be around and available and that they will continually benefit from those resources. The people of the world are at a constant demand for the economic production of the land. It is my belief that many individuals are beginning to recognize that specific areas, that have the greatest economic gain and production, simply cant keep up with the supply and demand. Resources are beginning to run out in these places and plants, animals, and other living species are beginning to move or die out because of the impact of human use of the environment and the resources the environment depends on. The chain of life cant survive in an area that can no longer support each and every species way of life. I think that people really dont have the knowledge to understand why conservation of the land is so important and crucial for the survival of every living thing on earth. If the conservation movement could be taken further, I think that education through schools, through television programs, news articles and other means of communication would be very effective in helping people to gain the knowledge they need to be able to effectively care for the land. Leopold said that humans are conquerors of the land and they need to become citizens of the land. I believe that in order to apply this ethic, people would of course need to be educated first. I think that by showing, outlining, broadcasting, explaining or teaching about areas that are facing extinction or have already been lost because of negative effects would have a severe impact on people. If people were given a warning of the danger or vital situations our land environments are in, I think they might see the conservation movement in a different and more positive way. We hear about the global warming believed to be occurring throughout the world, and rather than considering and thinking about the situation, we just blow it off and act

like it is nothing. We as a people simply dont understand the severity of the situation and the lasting effects it will have on the environment. Because people do not understand the ethic and importance of the land, they take and acquire economic gain from what the land provides. What are people going to do when their specific piece of land will no longer produce because it hasnt been properly cared for? We as a people need to give to the land and not just expect from it. We are seeing many areas of land begin to suffer because the living species cannot handle the changes we as humans continue to enforce. There needs to be a balance between people and the land so that both can survive in unity, not one before the other. As Leopold said, conservation is a state of harmony between man and land. I believe that individuals need to become more aware of the world around them. In my community, which is a city and suburban area, people could do this by many things that are already occurring but also some more small efforts. I think that recycling, not littering, walking to places that are close rather than driving a car, using recycled water for watering grass and plants, and staying on designated paths and off areas of preserved land are all simple rules that people either follow or disregard on a daily basis. A few rules that can take effort would be not to smoke, less use of electricity and fuel, donations to conservation groups and areas, and overall respect for the land. To make a difference it would take the effort of the entire community, not just and individual. I believe that unless there are rules and laws, something like land conservation will not affect many people and will simply get pushed aside. Leopold believes that the lands integrity, or natural state and beauty should be preserved. I believe that unless people increase their understanding in ecology, biology, and other biotic

studies, this goal for land preservation is impossible. I agree that the natural beauties and environments of the world should be maintained. This includes the plants, animals, and other living species in the community. I do believe that concern for human civilization is also part of this goal. I think that individuals can help conserve designated areas within their personal property. Land owners can help protect the land and also work towards preserving the natural beauty of it. The education should be essential! I think that in order to complete this goal, people of the world need to be aware and ready to make a conservational effort. The goal above brings up the question, what is more important when it comes to preservation, beauty or ethics? Beauty and ethics go hand and hand in means of conservation. In my opinion, you cant have one without the other. An ethic or rule to protect the animals of a specific area of land would require first, the land to be in its natural state in order to provide these species with a healthy environment. This step alone would help to maintain the beauty of the land because the land is being conserved. I personally believe that a balance between beauty and duty is essential for success in the conservation movement. This is essential for the people of the world and also the species that inhabit the effected land. My opinion on land ethic is formed from self-interest, as well as interest in other elements. I believe that some areas of land need to be preserved simply for the enjoyment and appreciation of the human race. I have been raised knowing that the nature of land is something to be seen and something that is to be respected. I love seeing the beauty and natural state of the world. This includes everything that lives within a community or land environment. I would not enjoy specific areas if there werent elements like the birds and other animals, different plants and trees, and of course bodies of water. I believe that land ethics should be made simply for the sake of maintaining a safe and healthy habitat for animals and other living species. As I said

before, it is the chain of life. Humans cant survive without the resources of the land, and the land cannot survive without people. It is the ever revolving circuit. The Land Ethic by Aldo Leopold has helped increase my understanding of the importance of conservation and also the main efforts it takes to preserve the land. Leopolds use of the examples of the settling of the Mississippi and the Pueblo Indians allowed me to see the effects of land utilization from a historical standpoint. I was able to read about different views and better understand the conservation movement. In my opinion, this has been a very useful and beneficial exercise. I now recognize some of the things that I may not have before. I now know about some of the things that have been done and many things that still need to occur as far as steps towards preserving the land. I believe that my opinions on land ethic have stayed the same, but I now have more knowledge to help back up my reasoning and thoughts. I would definitely recommend this article because it helped me feel more appreciative for the land and also for the individuals who are making a major effort in the conservation movement. Leopold did an excellent job in expressing his views, opinions, and theories on the land ethic and the importance of it. I think that at some points throughout the article his appreciation and love for the natural land and its beauty really show through his intense knowledge. I believe that he sincerely cares for the environment and is concerned about the protection of it. Our world today needs more people and representatives like Leopold, who will come forward with bold statements and philosophies about preservation and protection of the land. I think that if more people could be exposed to the idea of conservation they would be more willing to accept it. I believe that people simply do not understand. It is sad to say, but I think it will take a disaster or major event to really get people on board the Land Ethic train. Hopefully sooner than later, people will become more acceptable of the conservationists and what their purpose is, and the reason why they put so

much emphasis on maintaining the life of the land. I dont think we need a miracle, but we need new individuals to come forward to take part in the conservation movement and make an effort to keep the balance between man and land. Now is the time that the world needs to change for the better.

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