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Nombre _______________________ Fecha ________________________ Hora _____

El alfabeto espaol
Letra a b c *ch d e f g h i j k l *ll m n o p q r *rr s t u v w x y z
Nombre a be, be de burro, be grande ce che de e efe ge hache i jota ka ele elle eme ene ee o pe cu ere erre ese te u ve, ve de vaca, ve chica doble ve equis y griega zeta

ahh bay say chay day A effay hey ah-chay E ho-ta kaah L.A. eh-yay M.A. N.A. en-yay O pay koo air-a airrrrr-a essay tay oooh bay doblay-bay eh-keys E-gree-a-gah seta

Be and ve are pronounced exactly the same, so identifiers such as de burro/de vaca are often added to distinguish between them.

Ch is no longer considered a separate letter of the Spanish alphabet.

pronounced like English a

I and y make the same sound

pronounced like English e

K is only used in words borrowed from other languages, such as karate.

Ll is no longer considered a separate letter in the Spanish alphabet. Ll makes the y sound like in yellow

Rr has never been classified as a separate letter of the Spanish alphabet, but this form has often been used to distinguish the double r from the single one.

Be and ve are pronounced exactly the same, so identifiers such as de burro/de vaca are often added to distinguish between them. W is only used in words borrowed from other languages such as waterpolo.

Z makes the same sound as s

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