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QUESTION 1 : Demolition methods can vary depending on the area where it will be held on, the building material,

the purpose of the demolition and the way that debris is going to be disposed. In the article we present with some of the most used methods for demolition of structures. Differentiate the demolition between manual and explosive methods MANUAL DEMOLITION METHOD 1. Small buildings and houses are demolished through manual methods 2. One or two-story buildings are taken down by an undermining process performed by hydraulic excavators. Through this process, the walls are undermined at the base of the building to cause it to topple in a predetermined direction. 3. Manual demolition encompasses many of the hazards present with major demolition activities. 4. Manual demolition includes any technique where hand tools, such as jackhammers, sledge hammers, and picks are used. 5. Wrecking balls are needed to bring a structure down to a more manageable height to undermine the walls. 6. If a wrecking ball cannot be used due to their high danger risk, a high reaching excavator or bulldozer is used to help clear buildings. 7. Contractors should use fire hoses to keep the demolition area wet to control dust. EXPLOSIVE DEMOLITION METHOD 1. large buildings are demolished with the process of building implosion. 2. Structures and buildings that are too large for manual demolition are destroyed with implosion.

3. Implosions are a dangerous procedure with a high disaster risk. 4. Properly preparing for an implosion can take months. 5. Valuable materials such as copper wire and materials that can be dangerous projectiles such as glass are removed along with non-load bearing walls. 6. Only a few floors are rigged with TNT or C4 explosives to use as little explosives as possible and the explosives are covered by a thick geotextile fabric to catch flying debris. 7. Partial failure of the explosives and air over pressure creating a shock wave are some of the biggest risks involved with building implosion and is typically implemented as a last resort for demolition. 8. When it comes to demolition, safety should be the first priority.

8. Where concrete members are being demolished manually, the reinforcement shall not be cut while breaking of the concrete is in progress. 9. Areas where debris will fall should be barricaded off and signs erected to prevent persons from entering before demolition starts.

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