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Muhammad Khalish N XII IA 1 027-025-8

Sherlock Holmes is greatest detective from England actually at London. He lives at 221B Baker Street. He was born arround at 1854. He calls himself a "consulting detective". Because people just need his help if the cases so difficult and hes never failed. He is famous for his method deduction, sharp analysis and his intelegences. He starts his debut with the case "a study in scarlet" in 1878 and another famous case is "A Scandal in Bohemia" in 1888. He has black hair and gray eyes, his eyes sharp and piercing, except at certain times. he has thin lips, 'a hawk-like' nose and prominent chin and rectangular. Holmes has a strident voice. He like smoke. He also knows every brand of cigarettes and tastes that. His hands always stained with ink and chemicals, but the touch of his hands so soft when playing his violin. He always an attractive and excited when he gets difficult cases. His hobby also do experiment about chemical or something strange and masquerade techniques. he was great in boxing or Baritsu (martial art form). Although he just fiction character from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle but his method more effective and some cops do his methods. And he has his own museum at 221B Baker Street, London .

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