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APNU holds talks with overseas Guyanese on way forward

September 18, 2013 By Stabroek editor Leader of the Opposition and APNU David Granger met with a group of overseas-based Guyanese in New York to discuss the way forward for the country including with economist Tarron Khemraj who was associated with the AFC at the last elections. An APNU press release today said that the group included well-known academic and monetary economist Khemraj, Malcolm Harripaul, Rab Mukraj and Dr Asquith Rose. APNUs team included Shadow Minister for Public Works, Mr. Joseph Harmon, MP. The two sides examined the current economic, political and social situation in Guyana and concluded that a broad pro-Guyana approach was needed to stimulate movement towards the attainment of their common objectives. They agreed to work together to build structures to improve governance, promote national unity and advance human development. Brigadier Granger iterated the fact that A Partnership for National Unity constituted a fiveparty alliance in the National Assembly that was totally commitment to the principle of inclusionary democracy. He emphasized the important inclusionary role of the Diaspora in the development of our homeland and in creating a good life for all Guyanese, the release said. (

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