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Science - artificial Blood

Artificial Blood
Questions that must be answered: 1. What is artificial blood, and how is it developed? Artificial blood is a product made to act as a substitute for red blood cells. Depending on the type of artificial blood, it can be produced in different ways using synthetic production, chemical isolation, or recombinant biochemical technology. 2. How long has artificial blood been used? Development of the first blood substitutes dates back to the early 1600s, and the search for the ideal blood substitute continues. Various manufacturers have products in clinical trials; however, no truly safe and effective artificial blood product is currently marketed 3. Can artificial blood replace real blood? Artificial blood can only replace really blood it the term of transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide out and into the blood. 4. How is artificial blood used what is the purpose of artificial blood? While true blood serves many different functions, artificial blood is designed for the sole purpose of transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body. 5. What kind of scientific research made it possible for artificial blood to be developed? William Harvey described how blood is circulated throughout the body. In the years to follow, medical practitioners tried numerous substances such as beer, urine, milk, plant resins, and sheep blood as a substitute for blood. 6. How does artificial blood impact on the lives of people who need regular blood transfusions? It would impact people that need regular blood transfusions by knowing that the blood is 100% disease free and that the supply of blood will be constant and they wont need to get into a situation where will be a lack of blood. If artificial blood can be produced on large scale, what effect might it have on the global economy? What effect might it have on the environment? Could it have an impact on different cultures around the world? If blood could be produced in a large scale the effect that it would/might have on the economy is that people wont die from lack of blood, increasing the worlds overall population. Another aspect is that by everyone having artificial blood that is there for the people, the country will get more money since artificial blood is bought and donated blood is not.

Science - artificial Blood

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