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SPC Job Seekers October 15, 2012

Types of interviews

Screening or Telephone Personal Small group or committee Behavioral

Task Oriented or Testing


Screening or Telephone interview

Usually last 10 to 30 mins Be sure to have positive and prepared answers Be energetic Know the company

personal Interview

Typically one-on-one Can last 30 to 90 minutes Be specific and concise

Committee interview

Meeting with several decision-makers Intimidating Focus on the questions Try to find out about each participant

Behavioral-based interview
Critical behavioral interviewing past performance in a similar situation is the best predictor of future performance Be prepared to give specific examples to demonstrate competence in core behaviors

Teamwork Problem-solving Communication


Task oriented

Problem solving interview to measure creativity and analytical capabilities

Stress interview

Attempts to find weaknesses and test how you hold under pressure

Practice practice practice

Know the company Rehearse in front of the mirror, spouse, friend Prepare questions to ask Dress & groom neatly

During the interview

Multiple part question

Dont panic Take notes Dont be afraid to repeat Take your time/pause as you answer

You want to appear calm and provide a concise answer


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