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A surprise, will, he, get: He will get a surprise. Getting angry, is, he: he is getting angry. True, he, the, window, got: he got the true window. A splendid present, as, he, her, got: he got her a splendid present. Made, she, a, good, model: she made a good model. Chemistry, them, is, he, teaching: he is teaching them chemistry. Games, played, yesterday, in their room, the children quitely: The children quitely played in their room yesterday. 8. She, a letter, from the brother, last week, receive: she receive a letter from the brother last week. 9. Imideately, left, he: he left imideately. 10. The soup, spoilt, the cook: the cook spoilt the soup. 11. Music, I, like, very much: I like music very much. 12. The, match, at 4o clock, ended: the match ended at 4o clock 13. Well, the man, the piano, played: the man played the piano well. 14. The film, I, enjoyed, yesterday: I enjoyed the film yesterday. 15. Before a lunch, the letter, in his office, quickly, he, read: he read the letter quickly before a lunch in his office. 16. This morning, a book, I, from the library, borrowed: I borrowed a book from the library this morning. 17. A tree, in the corner of the garden, he planted: he planted a tree in the corner of the garden. 18. The news, listen to, I, carefully: I listen to the news carefully. 19. Quitely, the door, he opened: he opened the door qutely. 20. The little boy an apple this morning ate greedy: the little boy ate an apple greedy this morning in the kitchen. 21. She, beautifully, draws: she draws beautifully. 22. A new school, build, they, in our village, last year: they build a new school in our village last year. 23. There, a lot of people, are, at the bus stop: there are a lot of people are at the bus stop 24. We, at home, stay, on Sundays: we stay at home on Sundays 25. My father, breakfast, usually, for, has, fried rice: my father usually has a fried rice for breakfast. 26. Once, Ratu, a doctor, to become always: Ratu always once to become a doctor. 27. Is, becoming, Prabu, quite mature: Prabu is becoming quite mature 28. Linda, kept, Daniel, in bed:. 29. Treated, kindly, her, they: they treated her kindly. 30. Fred and Anita, children have four: Fred and Anita have four children

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