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Last month, I did a test osca. When the test is almost done, I felt so afraid.

I felt afraid because I didnt understand with the matherial. But I believed I can do it. I am optimised with my job. Before I started the test, I pray to smooth my test. After I pray, I enter the classroom practice. In the classroom, my heart is flutter. But I still optimis with my self. After that I start my test. One by one, I did my test very well. From number one, untill finished. The first test is install the oxygen to the patience. In this test, I still nervous. I cant did anything. My brain is so blank. But, I must optimis, so Im stole working on my test as much as possible. In the second test, an Intra Vena (IV) drip. In this test, my feel is so better. I can did the exam. I felt my value is better. And Im finished my second test. After IV drip, the next test is ROM techniques (Range Of Motion). This test is very easy, so I can did this exam untill finished. After ROM test was finished, Im take a rest but Im stole in this classrom. Im wait for a few minutes to continue my test. For about ten minutes, I start my test began. The next test is lying over (Lying Over = Alih Baring). I got a problem in this test, because I didnt understand with the question. But, after I read the question again, I can understand and I can do it. After that, I did the installation of colostomy. It was hard test to me. In this test, I made some mistakes. But, I can improved my mistakes very well. And the last test is the cutting nails. I cut the crazy man nails. I cleaned the nails with warm water, and I rub the nails with soap, and then cleaned the nails with disinfectant. After that I dry the nails with towel and finished. After Im finished all my test, Im back to my home. One months Im wait my value. I felt my heart was pounding. Day by day Im wait the value. And then, after Im wait for so long, I have been out value. My value was better. Im satisfied with my value, and I proud. I proud with my work because this is realy my work, not other work. I told my parrents about my value, and my parrents was proud with me. Its so beautiul reward for me and I will keep my work.

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