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Walking for a Cause: Relay for Life 2013

Aug 01, 2013

Source: Monocello, Jenna

Kelly Miazga, an assistant program manager on the GSO team, is perfectly clear about her motivation for participating in Relay for Life, a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. I walk in Relay for Life because I have many loved ones who have fought and died of cancer, she explains. I want to do my part to help raise money to hopefully one day be lucky enough to find a cure to save thousands of lives. Coincidentally, Kelly was a member of the Kelly Green Team at the first Relay for Life sponsored by GE Transportation. The event took place in Lawrence Park on Friday, July 26th with more than 130 GE employees and supporters participating. The event was a success, raising $11,933 in online donations, of which GE matched $3,225, and $5,058 in offline donations, totaling $20,216. Another team member who is very passionate about Relay for Life, Arie Vilders, decided that after last years falling turnout at a local Relay, there was no reason GE Transportation in Erie couldnt hold its own event. Arie is a fourth rotation OMLP located in Fort Worth, Texas. He explains that although GE had a good showing at the event last year, he believed locating a Relay for Life closer to the plant would encourage more people to join the cause. He was right. Planning for the GE Transportation Relay began in September 2012. Arie and fellow OMLP, Andrew Lebeau, played a large role in planning the event. Upon deciding on a date and location, preparation went into full swing. Volunteers joined committees for entertainment, local sponsorship and logistics. A competition took place for the design of this years Relay for Life shirt, focused around the themes of the American Cancer Societys 100th year anniversary, GE Transportations first Relay, and the motto Go Beyond.

At the event, an Opening Ceremony rallied participants together to express their reasons for walking. A Survivors Ceremony followed, recognizing cancer survivors and fighters. A local Erie survivor, a handful of GE Transportation employees, family members and Virtual Survivorsindividuals representing someone unable to attend were recognized before taking the first lap around the track as other Relay walkers line the track to cheer them on. Everyone then joins in for a second lap to show support. Over the next few hours there were fundraisers and games to further support the American Cancer Society.. According to the event rules, at least one walker from each team had to be walking at all times throughout the night. Since cancer doesnt ever rest, neither will we in our fight and our support, says Arie 8/7/2013

insideGE : Business News - Business : Walking for a Cause: Relay for Life 2013

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Around 9:30 in the evening, after the sun had set, a Luminaria Ceremony took place to remember loved ones lost to cancer. At this very emotional ceremony, one intern shared a touching story of how she had lost a close uncle to cancer a few months ago after years of battling. All lights were turned off and the track was entirely lit by luminaria bags. Participants and supporters purchase these white paper bags and decorate them in memory of loved ones and to honor survivors. As relayers walked around the track silently they were able to read the names and stories written on the bags. Many of the participants were very moved by this ceremony. Kelly, having been personally touched by cancer, really appreciated seeing everyone who customized their own bag get the chance to crack the glow sticks used to light the bags, and put it in their own bag so it was a nice way to remember the ones they lost. In fact, Kellys team organized the sale of the luminaria bags in addition to several other fundraisers including a bake sale, donut sale, exotic food sale and a donation box. The Closing Ceremony wrapped up the emotional night at 10:30pm. Congratulations to the Lime team in Grove City who raised the most money and Leanne Randall who raised the most money individually!

Since the event, the total has increased to $22,031! Donations can still be made online and offline, and GE Matching will take place through August 31st. We are almost to our goal of $30,000! Help GE Transportation reach it by donating here or contacting Arie Vilders or Andrew Lebeau. Arie says, Next year we hope to hold GE Transportations 2nd Relay for Life at Iroquois School and hope to have more teams, more GE employees, friends and family members to raise even more money! Anyone interested in getting involved with the planning of next years Relay (hourly, execs, program members, contractors, etc.) should contact Arie. 175 Participants. 12 Teams. $22,000 Raised. There is no FINISH until theres a CURE.

Click here to view more pictures from the event.

No one has yet commented on this story. 8/7/2013

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