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House Stark Brandon Lyanna Eddard "Ned"

Catelyn "Cat" (Tully)

deceased Ned's older brother

deceased Ned's sister Ned's wife Ned's son Ned's daughter Ned's daughter Ned's son Ned's son Ned's bastard Ned's foster-son and hostage
Ned's younger brother, in the Night's Watch

House Targaryen Aerys II the Mad Rhaegar Viserys Daenerys Small Council Petyr Baelish Varys
Ser Barristan Selmy

deceased Aerys's son deceased Aerys's son Aerys's daughter

Robb Sansa Arya Brandon "Bran" Rickon Jon Snow Theon Greyjoy Benjen House Baratheon King Robert Stannis Renly Cersei (Lannister) Joffrey Myrcella Tommen House Lannister Tywin Jaime "Kingslayer" Cersei Tyrion "The Imp" House Arryn Jon Arryn Lysa (Tully) Robert

"Littlefinger" Master of Coin

Master of Whisperers
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard

Night's Watch Lord Mormont Samwell Tarly Benjen Stark Ser Alliser Thorne Friends of Daenerys
Ser Jorah Mormont
Lord Commander of the Night's Watch

Robert's brother Robert's brother Robert's wife Cersei's child Cersei's child Cersei's child

Friend to Jon Snow First Ranger Master-at-Arms

Illyrio Mopatis Khal Drogo Wolves Greywind

disgraced knight Merchant Prince

Dothraki leader, Husband Dany's

Robb's Sansa's Arya's Bran's Rickon's Jon's

Knight of Robert's Kingsguard Jaime's twin, Robert's wife dwarf

Lady Nymeria Summer Shaggydog Ghost

Deceased Foster father of Robert and Ned

Jon's wife, Catelyn's sister Jon's son

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