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In the solace of labored goodbyes

In the contemplation of days passed by I have labored long on your place of rest Wherein would you most find your soul at peace And mine own saved harmless your safe keeping Perhaps in the freedom of shallow grave Whereas a whimsical bird you would fly From this place you would find least confinement To the place of moms resting far away

Would your favor evade my consider In the pain of loss and still my mourning Perhaps in beauty of tallgrass meadows Or undulating shores upon the sea It would seem that wide open spaces would Rest assured your eternal soul would find A serenity, at long last freedom From your days of burden, pain and sorrow

In the midst of a warm and gentle breeze Your remains would flow and our hearts release In the memory of your earthly giving And now, in your passage, Heaven awaits Your due contentment an everlasting Journey of recompense on your leaving Lo would you in quiet moments of need Whisper in the solace of your passing

Go in peace dad

Don MacIver 2012; All Rights Reserved

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