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Popplet to Organize Knowledge

NAME: Heidi Gascon Timeframe: This lesson will start at the beginning of a unit and continue throughout the unit. 15-20 minutes are needed each time the website or app is used. Standards Common Core/ Michigan Standards

Subject: varies Grade Level (s): Secondary (According to content area objectives)

(Insert appropriate content area objectives that need to be met during a unit.)

NETS Creativity and Innovation: Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes Communication and Collaboration: Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media Research and Information Fluency: Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media Objective Students will use the website or the Popplet app throughout the learning process. Students will activate prior knowledge to build a foundation for learning. Students will document their understanding of a topic throughout a unit. At the end of the unit, students will analyze their Popplet to connect and organize ideas, build a solid understanding of the topic, and prepare for a written assessment or essay. Assessment/Criteria for Success By the end of this lesson, students will be able to organize their understanding of a topic using the tech tool Popplet. A final unit assessment could include a short answer question or essay which forces students to use ideas from their Popplet to compare and contrast two things (ex. plant and animal cells) or to prove a point, (ex. FDR was an effective president because...), or various other tasks. The teacher can compare the students initial Popplet responses to the responses on the Popplet at the end of the unit to provide an evidence of growth.

Resources Prerequisite: (Website) Each student needs an email address and a Popplet account. (iPads) Students with iPads should have experiences taking Screenshots. It would be helpful if all students had at least one previous experience exploring the various functions of Popplet. iPads with the Popplet or Popplet lite app, -or Computers with Internet access (1 laptop or computer per student or group) Text books or supplementary materials Smart board or projector Learner Diversity Partners Students can be paired up for this activity in order to support a variety of reading, writing and technology skills in the classroom. Engage Before you begin a new unit: Explain to students that they are about to begin a new unit about _____________. (Fill in according to content area objectives, ex. Cells) Tell students that they will be using Popplet to brainstorm ideas they already have about the topic. Explain (Model) After modeling each step, have the students complete that step. 1. With the iPad/computer plugged into the Smart board/projector, model for students how to get to Popplet and log in (if using the website) 2. Double click to create the initial Popple. 3. Type the unit topic (ex. cells) in the Popple. Explore (Guided Practice). 1. Call on a few students to share ideas about what they know about the topic. Model how to add Popples while filling in the student responses on the classroom Popplet. 2. Have students think about what they already know about the topic (ex. cells) and fill in as many cells as they can in 5 minutes. 3. When 5 minutes is up, the teacher models how to either take a screenshot and email (iPad) or print the Popplet image (website) to submit to the teacher.

Elaborate (Independent Practice) Throughout the unit As new concepts are learned, students should have time to return to their Popplet to change, add and connect ideas. The teacher should model how to add photos, videos, drawings, etc. The teacher should model how to add collaborators. Students should add at least 2 collaborators to add ideas or clarify any misconceptions. Students may need to define certain vocabulary words, add details about Historical figures, etc At the end of the Unit Students return to their Popplet to add, change or connect ideas. Students print their Popplets to use as a study guide. Evaluate (Feedback/Closure) As students are filling out their Popplets, the teacher should be available for feedback and to clear up misconceptions.

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