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Daimyo No Ikaru v2

Wrath of the Daimyo: A set of proposed supplementary rules for Spanish Fury Actions Hatamoto An important warlord, or Daimyo, would have always been accompanied on the field of battle by his bodyguard, or Hatamoto. These were elite samurai retainers who would gladly give their lives to protect him or add to his success. Hatamoto Rule Proposal A daimyos stand will always count as a Hatamoto squadron. The Daimyo may always have up to an additional two stands to accompany him, for a total of three stands. The Hatamoto have the same values as samurai, but possess a fanatical company characteristic to reflect their willingness to die for their lord. A cowardly leader chit can cancel out this characteristic. It is recommended that a daimyo stand be represented by a pair of stands, both sitting and mounted, that can be exchanged as needed. Likewise, Hatamoto should have both mounted and dismounted representations. If the Daimyo is sitting in his enclosure, he and his hatamoto are dismounted. If riding in the field, the mounted figures would obviously be used. Mixed Teppo and Bow Companies The slow loading of the teppo resulted in the need to support the Teppo companies with bowmen and/or pike. The rules below attempt to replicate these tactics. There are two possible ways to do this. Two Possible Rules for Mixed Teppo/Bow Units 1) A bow squadron may replace every second or third teppo squadron in a company. Thus, a six squadron company would contain up to three bow squadrons. The teppo squadrons would fire as normal. The bow squadrons would fire only if the company is charged. This seems very ineffective in an actual game. 2) Alternatively, a bow armed company could act as a rear rank for the teppo armed company. The bow company must hold its fire until the teppo are charged. If either company fails its morale check while in mutual support, both companies suffer the same result. Perhaps both of these could stand as optional rules. Historically, a unit of teppo would have had the bowmen integrated into the unit. However at the scale at which Actions is conceived, a supporting company of bowmen, as in rule #2, would work just as well and still be reasonably accurate.* *This might be something Bill and Denis should decide. Pass Through Missile troops, both teppo and bow armed, often fought in a loose skirmishing order. Other infantry should be able to pass through them if the skirmishers are stationary. Pass Through Proposal Infantry units may pass through skirmishing missile troops which are not moving or firing in this turn. Routing troops will simply sweep the skirmishers along with them until they pass their own morale test. Formed mounted troops may not hve the same capacity to pass through.

Sheltering and Support Between Spear and Missile Companies During the Sengoku era, many commanders advocated limited combined arms tactics. Bow armed ashigaru were often mixed with teppo armed ashigaru to provide some protection for their slower loading comrades. In addition, both teppo and bow armed ashigaru were often supported by pike companies, sheltering under their protection. If charged, the missile troops were expected to fire and then draw their swords to defend themselves, but would shelter under the long pikes of the supporting company. Sheltering Rule Proposal A company of bow or teppo armed ashigaru may form a front rank to a spear armed ashigaru company. The bow or teppo may fire as normal. If charged, they may fire. An attacking opponant fights against the pike. However, casualities are taken equally from the missle and pike armed squadrons, beginning with the sheltering missile squadrons. When charged, both the missle and pike armed squadrons take a morale test. If either company fails its morale test, both companies must suffer the same failed morale result. Social Class and Betters Rule Proposal Samurai will always count as Betters to ashigaru, levy, and ikko ikki.

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