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Selfish Desires

I remember fourteen years there, under the oak tree here. We all sat in incuriosity waiting for something witty. With malicious thinking, we went to Miss Lotties dwelling. Hoping for some merriment, we stared beheading marigolds. Filling Miss Lottie with fury, we began to go on the contrary. On the brink of flee, I got hit on the head quite unpleasantly.

After our deportation, I held my head in humiliation, for I knew what I done wrong. After thinking so long, I went to sleep only finding my father weep filled with anger I woke my brother from his slumber. I had a place to go, to destroy my foe.

On the verge of insanity, I started to pull the flowers furiously. My brother, on my side, pleads me to stop but my desires were on the top. After the destruction, I broke into lamentation. Noticing someone feet, it was Miss Lottie. At first, it was fright but my eyes opened to a light. I no longer see sternness, for my end of innocence marked her eyes with sadness. I immediately felt compassion, and is willingly sorry for the demolition. With the look of desolation, it was our last conversation. When I look back to the past, My feelings still last and I too have planted marigolds

by, #3 Chan, Erica English, Period 4B 10/04/2010

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