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IME 301 Example on Regression Using Data from Height and Grade of People (Students) By: Dr.

Parisay Assume you have collected data on grade and height of 36 students. We would like to examine if there is any relationship between grade and height of each student!! Using Regression analysis feature of Excel the following output is obtained

Answer the following questions: a) What is the formula for regression line?

b) What is the expected grade of a student whose height is 167 cm? What is the amount of residual for this prediction?

c) What is the expected grade of a student whose height is 172 cm? d) Perform hypothesis testing that if there exists a real relationship between the height and grade of student!!!

e) Comment of the intelligence of the software in recognizing the logical relationship between two factors such as height and grade.

f) How the SAME data can be related, or tested for relationship? Provide an example.

Prepared: Sept 2005

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