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The Power of Spiritual Gifts For Revival

Acts 2:1-21
I. What Happened? (v1-11) God Offered His Message through Spiritual Gifts 1. The Spirit Entered Each of Them (v3) 2. The Spirit Filled Them (v4) 3. They Were Empowered to Witness (v11) 4. They Each had Unique Ministry (v4) 5. Unbelievers Heard & Responded (v6-8, 11)


Sept 1 8 15 22 29 Oct 6 13 20 27 Nov 3 Saved from Suicide Saved through Reason Saved for Discipleship Saved from Ignorance Acts 16:20-34 Acts 17:19-34 Acts 18:5-11 Acts 18:24-48 Saved by Scripture Saved for a Purpose Saved Despite Race Saved by Laundry Acts 8:26-40 Acts 9:1-20 Acts 10:34-48 Acts 16:6-15 Stay Close to the Father The Power of Prayer for Revival The Power of Team for Revival The Power of Spiritual Gifts for Revival The Power of the Gospel Preached for Revival John 17 Acts 1:1-14 Acts 1:15-26 Acts 2:1-21 Acts 2:14, 22-41

II. What Does This Mean? (v12-21) God Began the New Covenant: Spirit & Forgiveness 1. The Spirit Enters Each of Us (v17-18) 2. The Spirit Fills Us (v18b) 3. We are Empowered to Witness (v18b) 4. We Each have Unique Ministry (v17-18) 5. Unbelievers Hear & Respond (v21)

10 17 21 Dec 1

Saved from My Past

Acts 19:18-20
Pastor Aaron and Karen Smith 39 Madison Lane Whitehall, PA 18052 pastor cell 610-984-4142 karen cell 610-984-3417

Pastor Tim and Rachel Schmoyer 1292 Forest Road Whitehall, PA 18052 pastor cell 610-739-8008 rachel cell 484-557-8898

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