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Alexis Martinez Hum D 0330 October 1, 2013

Traditions to be passed on.

In my family we have no tolerance for liars and thief's. We feel that if you lie or steal, you are full on negativity, thus we would not like to have you in our life. My father is big on this rule, he will actually turn in his own family or kick them out the house if we were to ever do any

of these. He also talks about getting physical with thief's.

Where are my family from?

My mom and her side of the

family is from Monterey, Mexico. She was born and raised there till she was in her mid teenage years. My father and his side of the family is from Houston, Texas. I dont know my real grandfather from that side but I love my grandpa now.

My mother came to Houston to get a better education. In the process of her getting her education she ended up meeting my father. They had a lot of complications, epically with their parents. My mothers parents didnt like they way my father was so they decided to send my mother back to Mexico for about a year. They weren't sure if they were going to make it but they decided to work it out with each other.

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