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Player`s Guide

The rst sixty or so copies of Conan the Roleplaying Game Second Edition that were printed contained a few errors. Most importantly there are entries missing from the martial weapons table on page 148 and an inconsistency on page 153: 1. The bardiche does 1d10+1d8 damage. (Page 148.) 2. An Akbitanan greatsword should do the same damage as a normal greatsword: 1d10+1d8 instead of 2d10. (Page 153.) 3. The martial weapons table on page 148 is missing the ranged weapons. They should be as follows: Armour Piercing 6** 4** Range Hit Increment Hardness Points Weight Type 70 ft. 60 ft. 6 5 5 5 5 1 4 1 20 lb. 2 lb. 15 lb. 1 lb. Piercing Piercing

Weapon Ranged Weapons Arbalest Bolts (10) Crossbow Bolts (10)

Cost 15 sp 3 sp 12 sp 2 sp

Damage 2d8 2d6

Critical 2 2

** The Armour Piercing score for all ranged weapons is reduced by one for every range increment beyond the rst.

All subsequent printings of Conan the Roleplaying Game Second Edition have these omissions corrected in the text.

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