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A Shamar Briyth Believer's Doctrine

Repentance is an attitude, personality or character change brought about

by the conviction in our minds by The Holy Spirit or Holy Pneuma of
YHVH that causes sinners to reject "Self". Thereby shifting
their life's focus from being Self-centered to being YHVH-centered.

True Repentance from the Sin of "Self" and towards the "Selfless"
Righteousness of YHVH (The Creator) will result in True Faith in
the ministry of Yahshua (The Messiah) and Yahweh, and a life sanctified
by the indwelling Holy Spirit. Repentance entails an awareness of our
personal sinfulness and a resulting disgust for it. Repentance involves
coming to the knowledge of "Good and Evil" and the rejecting of evil for the
good of seeking righteousness.
Acts 2:38 ; Romans 2:4 ; 10:17 ; 12:2 ; 2_Timothy 2:25 ; 2_Corinthians
7:9-11 ; Matthew 3:8

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