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Tonight we are going to talk about the most important thing we should have as a person - life. Everything we have, money, vocation, profession, properties, job, business, etc. are all useless without life. That is why I find it urgent to talk about how to know the reason of life. The greatest tragedy in life is not death. In fact in Philippians 1:21 Paul said, "For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Last night we learned that in Christ, death is victory. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not persih but have eternal life." The greatest tragedy in life is life without reason. it is tragic to live and not know why. It is tragic to do things and not know why you're doing it. God created us for a reason. Isaiah 44:2a (CEV) says, I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born. Our birth was no mistake or catastrophe, and our life is no coincidence of nature. Our parents may not have considered us, but God did. He was not at all stunned by our birth. In fact, he expected it. God never does anything accidentally, and he never makes mistakes. He has a reason for everything he creates. Every plant and every animal was planned by God, and every person was designed with a reason in mind. If there was no God, we would all be "accidents," a result of astronomical random chance in the universe. Life would have no meaning or significance. There would be no right or wrong, and no hope beyond our brief years here on earth. But there is a God who made us for a reason. Life has profound meaning! And the way to understand the meaning of life is to make God the reference point, the focus and cause of living. The Message paraphrase of Romans 12:3 says, "The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us."

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