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The mating season for pinguins-imperadores is between April and May.

Between May and June , the female penguin lays an egg. The egg looks like a white peer. Then, she gives her egg to the male -extremely carefully- and then she goes feed herself on the sea. The female penguin returns when the cub is about to born (after 2 months of feeding), and then, the male goes look after food (because, when the female was on the sea, it stayed warming the egg during about a hundred days and it didnt eat during that hundred days. It forces are very low and it loosed about 20 kg) Penguins do not hibernate, aestivate or emigrate.

This specie is endangered because of the glaciers melting. Glaciers are pinguinsimperadoress habitats, and the melting is getting their habitats away! The only thing we can do to save these creatures is to DO NOT pollute, know how to live green and fight against the global warming because thats what causes the melting.

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