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Dr. Adams and classmates My name is Lester M. Legette, I live in GA, but I am currently deployed to Kuwait.

I am the Brigade S4 for the 160th Signal Brigade. I love spending time with my family and riding my motorcycle. Certain acts are good and bad in and of themselves. If I steal your chickens to feed my family am I wrong? I say no but it all depends on who you ask. John, does not have his families best interest in mind by stealing the TVs, its all for personal gain. First of all, families that cant pay their bills dont have an increase in their savings account; they wouldnt even have a savings account. If John cant live off of what he is making then he needs to readjust his lifestyle and realize the company doesnt owe him anything. Johns actions are evil and he is clearly not thinking of the outcome of what will happen to his family if he gets caught stealing the TVs. Now, lets consider this problem from Janes perspective. Jane has the most difficult decision, does she tell on her husband and lose everything, or does she just see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil? In this case, deontology would be the best ethics to apply for Jane, because if she thought about the outcome she probably would never tell on her husband. As far as the company goes, they dont owe John anything, and they should prosecute him to the full extent of the Law once they catch him.

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