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Statement sentence
The answer to a question can be right or wrong. For example, "Where you go to school? ".example of the answer is "I was in junior high school nurul huda

Now consider some of the following sentence. Which among these sentences are correct? which is wrong? If false, give reasons why it is wrong. a. 2 is not a prime number b. East Java capital of Surabaya c. 21 + 15> 35 d. -10> -8 e. Negative number plus a negative number is positive numbers f. Prime numbers are numbers that are exactly two factors fruit, namely 1 and the number itself

Sentence that is false or true is called a sentence statement. The sentence statement is often simply referred to the statement

1. problems Gift On the occasion of his birthday, Ani received gift from Johan. Its contents are a few pieces book. Lisa said the Goddess present the event was "a lot of books in a box gift was six. "how think of the words Lisa? corrector wrong?

2. A fruit trader receives submissions a sack of oranges that are not yet known number. The merchant said, "Many all citrus fruit is 456 ". Can you determine whether or not orange traders saying that? Why?

3. Look the sentence "A number plus 5 is equal to 12 ". Are you able to determining the sentence was true or false? We can not determine whether sentence is true or false because "Something" in that sentence is not known value. Right or wrong sentence depends on what "the numbers" it

The phrase "a number, three lack of 18" written in mathematical symbols t = 18-3. The phrase "a number minus 8 over 20" written in mathematical symbols, m - 8> 20.

Orders sentences or questions sentences, although not can be determined right or wrong, is not included open sentence

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