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Directions: While solving problems you can use any available space on the page for scratch work. For each question in this section, read the five choices marked (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) in your test book. Select the letter of the choice which you consider is the correct answer. Then fill in the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. Numbers: All numbers used are real numbers. Figures: Figures that accompany problems are intended to provide information useful in solving the problems. The figures may not be drawn to scale, and measurements from the figures may be misleading. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated. 1. A piece of paper is cut in half. The two pieces are placed on top of each other and are cut once again in half. The four pieces are then placed on top of each other and they are cut in half once again. After a total of 8 cuts, how many pieces will there will be?

(A) 28

(B) 29

(C) 8!

(D) 82

(E) 88

2. What is the area enclosed by the lines y = 2 x + 2 , y = 2 x 2 , y = 2 , and y = 2 ? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 8 units 6 units 8.5 units 12 units 10 units (x 2 y 2 ) and x y 0 then x = z (C) y ( z 1)

3. If y ( x y ) =

(A) y (1 + z )

(x 2 y 2 ) y (B) yz

x2 y z (D) y

x2 y2 z (E) y

4. The ratio of female teachers to male teachers in a school is 2:1. The student teacher ratio is 10:1. What is the ratio of female teachers to students? (A) 1:15 (B) 1:20 (C) 1:25 (D) 1:30 (E) 1:35

LUMS Entrance Sample Test 1

5. In the figure below, the radius of the circle with center O is 2, and AOB = 60. What is the perimeter of the shaded region?

(A) 2+ 2

(B) 2 +

(C) 3 (2 + ) 2

(D) 2 (3 + ) 3

(E) 2 (2 + ) 3

6. A certain sum of money y was divided into 3 portions in the ratio 1:2:3. If the difference between the maximum and minimum portions was Rs 4,000, then y =

(A) Rs 6,000 7. If x < x then

(B) Rs 8,000

(C) Rs 12,000 (D) Rs 15,000 (E) Rs 24,000

(A) 1/x < 0

(B) x > 0

(C) x2 > 0

(D) x 0

(E) Impossible

8. If x =

y y +1

then y = (B)
x x 1


x +1


x +1 x


x 1 x


x 1 x

9. If x can have only the values 3 , 0, and 2, y can have only values 4 , 2, and 3, what is the greatest possible value of 2 x + y 2 ?

LUMS Entrance Sample Test 2

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

10 12 16 20 25

x x2 = x 10.
(A) x1/2 x3/2 (D) x1/2 x2 (B) (x x2 )x1/2 (E) none of the above (C) x1/2 x3/2

11. If numbers x and y have average z, then the numbers 2x and 3y have average (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
2z + y / 2 z/2+ y 2z + x / 2 2z 7

12. If shaded area A equals shaded area B, then possible rA, rB, and rC are (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 4,5,3 5,6,4 6,7,5 4,6,7 5,4,2 B rA A rB

C rC

13. Three dice are rolled simultaneously. What is the probability that each dice shows the same number? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 1/36 20/36 36/216 1/6 3/6

LUMS Entrance Sample Test 3

a. Sentence Completion

Directions: For each question in this sub-section select the letter corresponding to the word or pair of words from the given choices which best completes the sentence. Then fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet. 1. American Vice-president Dick Cheney's burden on the Bush administration grew ________ yesterday after a former senior US state department official said he could be guilty of a war crime over the __________ of prisoners. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) heavier lighter taller more less abuse help recruitment allegations observation

2. The first heavy snow fell across the region at the weekend but while there has been no spike in the _______ rate, more deaths were _______ unless aid reaches victims soon, aid officials said. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) morality birth mortality production shelter expected outcome inevitable regarded predicted

3. Civilizations that are destined to fall do not disappear from the face of the earth overnight but rather _________to a creeping process of decay and _________ that is often so slow that it is imperceptible while it is in progress. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) b. longer crawl succumb headlong evolve danger gluttony degeneration partying regeneration

Passage Comprehension

Directions: Each passage in this section is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question from the five choices marked (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Then fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet. I have lost count of the number of accusations levelled against al-Jazeera and the incidents of harassment to which it has been subjected since it was founded in 1996.

LUMS Entrance Sample Test 4

It was rumoured to have been set up by Israel's Mossad intelligence agency with the purpose of improving Israel's standing in the Arab world. It has also been accused of being a CIA mouthpiece designed to disseminate western culture among the Arabs. Some have suggested that it is part of an international conspiracy to break up the Arab world by means of stirring up discord and creating problems for the Arab regimes. Others decided it was a front for Osama bin Laden and the Taliban; or funded by Saddam Hussein. And, at the same time, it has been condemned by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and bitterly criticised by Donald Rumsfeld. We know that the intelligence services of some Arab regimes have resorted to spreading rumours about al-Jazeera in an effort to deter Arab viewers from watching it. These are the same regimes that recalled ambassadors from Qatar in protest at its hosting al-Jazeera, and the same regimes that closed the station's offices in their countries and detained its correspondents. Until 2001, al-Jazeera was perceived in a positive way in the west as a whole and the US in particular. It was seen as the single most important force for reform and democracy across the Arab region. Harassment by Arab regimes was considered proof of its professionalism and testimony to its objectivity. Indeed, al-Jazeera had from its foundation the slogan of "the opinion and the other opinion" and refused to favour one side over another at the expense of truth. As a result, in record time alJazeera became the Arabs' number one channel, and last year it was voted the fifth most influential brand name in the world, after Starbucks, Ikea, Apple and Google. 4. According to the author, Al-Jazeera has had: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) A smooth sailing since its launch Respect from all the governments An extremely rough ride Offers to launch a Sports channel Support from all the Arab governments

5. From this passage, it can be deduced that Al-Jazeera is: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Set up by Israel's Mossad intelligence agency CIAs mouthpiece Part of an international conspiracy Front for Osama bin Laden None of the above

6. Would it be fair to say that according to this passage, some Arab governments tactics can best be described as: (A) (B) (C) (D) Gentle nudging Soft diplomacy Happy acceptance Smear campaign and diplomatic arm twisting

LUMS Entrance Sample Test 5

(E) 7. 14. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) c.

All of the above Al-Jazeera has become a brand-name because: People like this rather exotic name It allows you to Google for free Viewers have come to associate it with certain credibility It is run by an American multi-national company It was the only Muslim brand among the top ten in the world

Sentence Correction

Directions: The following sentences describe the same event. Select the most grammatically correct choice. Choose the best answer to each question from the five choices marked (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Then fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet. 8. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) England today stand on the brink of their first series defeat in two years after their bowlers were ground into the Lahore dust by Mohammad Yousuf and Kamran Akmal. England today stand on the brink of their first series win in two years after their bowlers were ground into the Lahore dust by Mohammad Yousuf and Kamran Akmal. England today stand on the brink of their first series defeat in two years after their bowlers were grind into the Lahore dust by Mohammad Yousuf and Kamran Akmal. England today stand on brinks of their first series defeat in two year after their bowlers were ground into the Lahore dust by Mohammad Yousuf and Kamran Akmal. England today stand on the brink of their first series defeat in two years if their bowlers were ground into the Lahore dust by Mohammad Yousuf and Kamran Akmal. Shahbaz Sharif reject speculations that delay in the visa was caused by a request from the government of Pakistan to the British government to seek certain guarantees from Mr Nawaz Sharif and his family. Shahbaz Sharif rejected speculations that delay in the visa was caused by a request from the governments of Pakistan to the British government to seeks certain guarantees from Mr Nawaz Sharif and his family. Shahbaz Sharif reject speculations that delay in the visa was cause by a request from the government of Pakistan to the British government to seek certain guarantors from Mr Nawaz Sharif and his family.

9. (A) (B) (C)

LUMS Entrance Sample Test 6

(D) (E)

Shahbaz Sharif rejected speculations delay in the visa was caused a request from the government of Pakistan to the British government to seek certain guarantees from Mr Nawaz Sharif and his family. Shahbaz Sharif rejected speculations that delay in the visa was caused by a request from the government of Pakistan to the British government to seek certain guarantees from Mr Nawaz Sharif and his family. The recent earthquake was a grim reminder of this regions shared vulnerabilities, and of the facts that we do not have even the beginnings of common institutions with which to respond. The recent earthquake was grim reminder of this religions shared vulnerabilities, and of the fact that we do not have even the beginnings of common institutions with which to respond. The recent earthquake was a grim reminder of this regions shared vulnerabilities, and of the fact that we do not have even the beginnings of common institutions with which to respond. The recent earthquake was a grim reminder of this regions shared vulnerabilities, and of the fact that we not have even the beginnings of common institutions which to respond. The recent earthquake was a grim reminder of this regions shared vulnerabilities, and of the fact that nor do we have even the beginnings of common institutions with which to respond. Americas war in terror, a euphemisms for a war against an ever increasing number of Muslim countries and groups, is premised on the notion of a distinction between the good Muslim and the bad Muslim. Americas war on terror, a euphemism for a war against an every increase number of Muslim countries and groups, is premised on the notion of a distinction between the good Muslim and the bad Muslim. Americas war on terror, a euphemism for a war against an ever increasing number of Muslim countries and groups, is premised on the notion of a distinction between the good Muslim and the bad Muslim. Americas war on terror, a euphemism for a war against an ever increasing number of Muslim countries and groups, is promised on the nation of a distinction between the good Muslim and the bad Muslim. Americas war on terror, a euphemism for a war against an ever increasing number of Muslim countries and groups, is premised on the notion of a distinction between the goods Muslim and the bads Muslims.

10. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

11. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

LUMS Entrance Sample Test 7

12. (A) Lt-Gen Imtiaz Hussain observe the continuous demand the Pakistan troops to shoulder onerous tasks in troubled areas of the world was ample testimony to the fact that "our soldiers enjoy international acclaim for their professionalism". Lt-Gen Imtiaz Hussain observed that the continuous demand for the Pakistan troops to shoulder onerous tasks in troubled areas of the world was ample testimony to the fact that "our soldiers enjoy international acclaim for their professionalism". Lt-Gen Imtiaz Hussain observed that the continuous demand for the Pakistan troop to shoulders onerous tasks in troubled areas of the world was ample testimony to the fact that "our soldiers enjoy international acclaim for their professionalism". Lt-Gen Imtiaz Hussain observed that the continuous demand for the Pakistan troops to shoulder onerousy task in troubles areas of the world was ample testimony to the fact that "our soldiers enjoys international acclaim for their professionalism". Lt-Gen Imtiaz Hussain observed that the continuous demand for the Pakistan troops to shoulder onerous tasks in troubled areas of world were ample testimonies to the fact that "our soldiers enjoy international acclaims for their professionalism".





LUMS Entrance Sample Test 8

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