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[Interview Questions] Set #2

(these questions are setup by Pankaj Audhiya, Deputy Collector, Gujarat) **Dont just read and run away, DO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS, **

1. despite such a big population why does India produce only a few Noble winners compared to Western Nations? 2. whore the most favored nations in Indias current foreign policy? 3. do you think we are in cold war with China? 4. in population we are 2nd after China, but in Army strength we are 4th- why? 5. you think there should be compulsory military training for all civilians in india? 6. if youre ordered to learn a language other than English , which language will you choose? 7. Why is China unhappy about Dalai Lamas Arunachal visit ? 8. whats difference between loving your nation and Nationalism? 9. you think India will become a superpower in near future? 10. if you are ordered to settle in a country other than India, which country will you choose?

1. From IAS and IFS who can contribute more to the nations Development ?

2. IAS has Constitutional recognition, why dont IFS have such prestige? 3. whats your opinion on civil service exams reforms?

1. every organized crime is not an act of terrorism but every terrorist act is an organized crime comment 2. suggest the steps to curb organized crime 3. is there a difference between Naxals and Terrorists?

Development Administration
1. 2. 3. 4. suggest some steps to improve HDI? what are the things you like and dislike about india? suggest 5 reforms in education system if you educate a man , you just educate an individual, but when you educate a woman youre educating a familycomment.

1. if you were given a free hand to amend Constitution, tell me which 5 amendments will you do? 2. do you think the election procedure in india should be changed, if yes then what change? 3. Election is done based on peoples representatives Act. but after election, to what extend the winners are peoples representatives?

1. whats the relation between Green-house & Flouriculture?

2. tell us something about green technology. 3. whats your most favorite sentence/ motto

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