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BAND 6 B6 DT1 E1 Write a story based on the pictures given by including a moral value.

When writing your story : Use all the pictures and write in paragraphs Make sure it is not less than 180 words.

Answer : One Sunday morning, Beng Hongs mother asked him to go to the shop to buy some things. He decided to cycle to the shop. While cycling along the road, Beng Hong saw a small boy playing alone near a river. At once he stopped his bicycle and said, Hello, boy! Do not play near the river. Its dangerous. He advised the boy to play somewhere else. However, the small boy just smiled and continued playing. So, Beng Hong got on his bicycle and continued his journey. After Beng Hong had cycled a short distance, he heard a cry, Help! Help! Immediately, he looked back and saw the boy in the river. The boy was drowning. Beng Hong quickly jumped into the river to save the boy. He grabbed the boy and pulled him onto the river bank. Luckily, he was able to save the boy. The boy was shivering with cold and fear. Beng Hong took the boy home on his bicycle. The boys mother was shocked when she saw him. She scolded him for playing near the river. She thanked Beng Hong for saving the boy. Beng Hong was glad that he helped save the boys life.

Moral values 1. We must help others when they are in danger. 2. We must not endanger our life when doing something.

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