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Guess Ball to Ball

Workflow design

Home/Login page
Users can be of 2 types Free user Paid user Both users can login after successful registration

List of matches

After users login, they can see list of matches where they can choose the match to Guess

Guess Match

Users can guess toss of the match and each ball of both battings. We can place advertisement banners on both sides of this page

Admin Panel
Add/Edit of teams

Admin can add, edit and delete teams which can participate in our guessing

Admin Panel
List of teams

Admin can view list of matches which was added

Admin Panel
Adding cricket match

Admin can add cricket match on which users can guess each ball and earn points

Admin Panel
Listing cricket match

Each match will have 4 actions

Edit Delete Set Score Reports

Admin Panel
Setting score for each match

After completion of cricket match and set score for that match and can submit. After submition, app engine will validate all users guesses and give each user valid points based on correct guesses for each ball

Admin Panel
Reports for each match

Admin can look into reports of each match. In this report, he can view users gained points and total amount he earned by guessing that match. We can add few more reports and stats on this as we required

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