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Philosophy 1st draft

Teaching has changed dramatically in the last fifty or sixty years. We have moved from passive to active learning. We have changed the dynamic of the classroom environment. There is no more paper and pencil and use of textbook as the only source of information. Now, computers, ipads, smartphones, interactive boards and web tools help students to be curious, creative and apply knowledge in different contexts. The learning process is not anymore teacher-centered, but student-centered. Technology plays an important role in the education of students of the 21st century. Our world has become more digitized than 10 years ago. Classrooms have to be more dynamic and meet the needs of our digital citizens. Applying new technologies in the classroom has given me the opportunity to create a positive environment that engages learners in active, constructivist, authentic and cooperative learning. I consider that students need to be creators and active learners. Technology supports the principle of learning by doing (process of knowledge construction), when the student understands how to apply knowledge in different context and situations, then we as teachers can say that learning has been meaningful and is now stored in memory. In a technology- rich environment the role of instruction from the constructivist view is to show students how to construct knowledge, to promote collaboration with others, to be involved in authentic tasks or activities. Students become more cooperative and less competitive and overall there are high levels of self-esteem and motivation.

I have learned that a technology- based instruction should support effective learning, which means, the lessons should use activities that are relevant, timed, interesting, and present information to students in formats that the teacher cannot. Also, students have the ability to do things and take charge of their own learning, in other words learning is student-centered. In conclusion, my philosophy of educational technology includes independent learning, construction of knowledge and motivation. Those aspects provide opportunities for learning through curiosity and discovery. Also, I believe that technology transforms the learning environment and if used effectively it helps the teacher to differentiate instruction and meet students needs in a learner-centered environment.

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