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Human rights group concern on arrest of activists and ban on public meetings in

Northern Pakistan


Islamabad: (Pakistan)
July 16, 2009

Human rights group Press For Peace (PFP has condemned the arrest of more than 12
political activists and imposing of ban on public precessions and meetings in Skardu,
The PFP demanded that government should ensure civil liberties in its administered
Northern Areas and it must release all activists immediately.

Director Research of Press For Peace (PFP) T H Shah who is also an specialist of Human
rights issues, has said that government banned all processions and meetings in Skardu
after arresting one dozen workers of Gilgit Baltistan United Movement(GBUM) and
Baltistan Student Federation(BSF) two days ago.

Shah said that the arrest of political workers under forged cases in Skardu is clearly an
assault on civil liberties and basic human rights of citizens.

‘PPP government has claiming to be champion of people’s rights and

democracy,however, the arrests of activists and prevention of all political activities in
Sakerdu have exposed its claims,’ he further said.

Shah Said that people of Northern Areas have already been deprived from their basic
rights by the establishment which turned people’s life miserable.
‘Instead of granting the rights to people, a government is imposing undemocratic
methods to suppress political voices in this region which is unacceptable and
lamentable”, he maintained.

He urged government of Pakistan to initiate political and administrative reforms to

mitigate sufferings of inhabitants of Gilgit and Baltistan in order to speed up the
development and the fortification of democracy in the region.
He also demanded that government should lift the ban on upcoming annual convention of
BSF which is scheduled to be held on July 18 in Skardu. He also demanded the urgent
release of all political workers and removal all bogus cases against leaders of BSF and

(The writer could be accessed at: )

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