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Apendix A - Elimination Diet About ination diet This diet is specifically worked out to help u isolate specified foods that your body is incapable of dealing with, that attack the immune system and subsequently your health. These foods all contain a similar protein structure that some people digest only partly. The remaining peptide (partly digested protein) affects the nervous system, immune system, blood, body organs like the Thyroid & pancreas, brain & neurotransmitter functions and even skin & hair loss disorders, This digestive problem is inherited at genetic level and if it proves to be a problem, the ONLY way of dealing with itis to eliminate offending foods COMPLETELY from the diet. To achieve success the rules of the diet should be followed 100% during the full period of the diet. If just a few wrong substances are included (sometimes even only in a few grams) the outcome can be affected and food groups might not be identified correctly, ‘Eob uses, , Basic rules for the duration of the exclusion diet: ~ Stick religiously to the eating plan. ~ Convince the whole family to go on the diet for the initial period, Intolerances run in the family and you will be surprised to see what may pop out. It is also much easier with the meals in this period if all stick to the same eating plan. If everyone does not want to go along, try to get an agreement at feast, that only the foods from this diet will be stocked or cooked inside the house and other foods will not be used in the presence or with the knowledge of people that are on the diet. Support each other! ~ Do not eat food that was not prepared by yourself or that you know every ingredient of. ~ Tryto stay away as much as possible from processed foods during this period. You can start experimenting with such foods after the initial period is over and offending foods have been listed. ~ Try to avoid excessive use of sugar, salt, MSG, cooking oil, Margarine, products containing high colourants, Artificial Flavours, Tartrazine or Tartaric Acid during this period. Hf you were largely depending on sugar, get yourself a jar of honey and some Sulphur Dioxide free dried fruit (Banana chips, dates & raisins). Whenever you can, have one of those instead. Do not use artificial sweeteners. They are highly acid forming, influence brain function and are linked to tumor growth (especially Aspartame.) ~ Follow the food selection charts given with this document ~ If anything out of the ordinary happens, consult a Health Practitioner. ~ Do not try to use this information fo diagnose or to treat an illness. Rather, this is a method by which you can get to know your body's own unique "codes" and get tuned into your body's needs. Success in Health will come as you gain understanding and knowledge about your own body and its miraculous system ~ Ifyou have serious Health Problems that need close medical supervision, do not just begin this diet without first consulting a Health Care Professional ~ Do not stop using vital medication without consulting your Doctor or a trusted Health Care Professional - Do not start taking any Herbal medicines, teas or Supplements other than those listed in this document, ~ The foods in this diet are not inferior in nutrients than that of a person eating a normal diet. The only reason why extra nutrition is recommended is because our food naturally lacks Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Minerals. Another reason is to address shortages that have built up over years in the body or that are related to age or to a specific syndrome, genetical defect or illness. ~ Ifin any way possible, before starting your diet, buy an EVA Water Filter (request details from ‘Abundant Life) which replaces your tap water with the best quality mineral water you can get. Use this water for everything, drinking, cooking, making cold drinks, coffee, whatever. Without replacing the right minerals into the system, your body will not function normally and sickness can even prevail because of acidity and lack of chelation of waste products and metals. ~ All negative symptoms should cease after completion of this diet. if not, a complete metabolic Profile by means of urine analysis is strongly recommended to isolate specific inborn errors of Metabolism or get a profile on microbes and heavy metals 23 Preparatios 1. Use the attached "What to avoid - lists’ and rid your house of all products containing any of the following. (Tip ~ start at the end of a month to minimize the amount of things to get rid of) Do not lock or pack these away in a separate cupboard. Somebody in the house will have a weak moment and feel tempted. You want to make this as easy as possible, not as hard as. possible. Remember, food cravings from intolerance are comparable to that of an alcoholic or drug addict. Go shopping with your exclusion list, Have enough time on hand as you are going to do a lot of tabel reading first time round, You will soon become familiar with which products are safe and which not Some brand names tend to have more products that are safe to use. For example: Koo and Epic. Buy foods that are well balanced from all the different types and colours. Examples of foods you could depend on are: Fruit, Most vegetables (colour is an indicator of quality and mineral contents), especially greens like broccoli, brussel sprouts, cucmber and babymarrow, yellow veggies like pumpkin and carrots, salads, Fish (fresh and tinned - Mackerel, Sardines, Tuna & Salmon), Free range or Tydstroom chicken only, Woolies Liver spread, Enterprize special Garlic Poloni, Epic Wonderwhir! & Epic Light Mayonnaise, Conti Light and also Figure Classic which is free from egg too, Blossom Light Margarine ( less than 1% trans-falty acids), Purified butter fat (Ghee), Honey, Jaggery (Palm Sugar), Rice crispies & Com Flakes (Kellogs only), Maltabella and coarse Mabele (Mabele-a- ting) Mieliemeal, Morevite (stick mostly to the original flavour), Dark chocolate (70% most beneficial) , Orley Whip light (on occasion), Thistlewood Diabetic Jam (Checkers Hyper- contains no artificial sweeteners), Rice (try Brown Rice more often), Rice Cakes (Vital best) & Rice Thins & Corn Thins, only All Gold Tomato Sauce and Mrs. Balls Chutney, Tinned food like Chakalaka, Koo- Spicy Stews etc, You can add to ths list as you become more familiar with selecting your products. Beware of high Protein foods as they are bound to have raised levels of Soy of Whey Protein. 2. Be careful of buying gluten free products other than Abundant Life’s products without carefully examining the ingredients first. Soy, pulse and pea flours are widely used in such products and can cause huge problems. 3. Train yourself in identifying offending food products. You will quickly become familiar with brands and food types that are safe. Some foods list “starches" but do not specify which type of starch. If Xanthan Gum (Binding Agent) is also listed on the label it often means that the other starches do not have enough binding properties, because of lack of gluten. Take courage and phone the customer line given on the label. In most of these cases the operator will give you all the information you need. 4. Remember, this is a period that you sacrifice and go through some trouble to stick to the schedule and is not in vain. The information you will obtain will give you Health for the rest of your life. If you Go it right, you will not have to go through an exclusion diet ever again, but the benefits will last you a lifetime. If you cheat yourself, you will not be able to determine your intolerances correctly and you will become discouraged and give up. Once you have determined your intolerances correctly and stick to your new diet, your immune system will be restored and you will not be suffering from fiu or colds even though you might be exposed to germs and viruses. Your body will deal with a virus within three days and all you will know of itis some slight discomfort ore a litle lethargy. Your hormones and endocrine system will be functioning. You will not suffer from stomach cramps & ailments or constipation, mood-swings, depression, anger rages, lethargy etc. You will regain your energy and a lot of healing processes will start. Things that could be affected are things like work, type & reading speed, concentration, good self confidence and -image, co-ordination, faster reflexes etc. If you do not experience at least some of these benefits, you can safely accept that your symptoms do not originate from food intolerance. 24 Start your diet Cut all foods from the lists below from your diet. Supplements to use during your die! When some mineral shortages occur of the body pH is not Alkaline, Solgar Chelated solamins Minerals should be introduced at this point. (if you have bought a EVA water filter you have less need of Calcium and mineral supplements.) f your pH is not 7.5, the body processes and immune system will not heal and symptoms will not subside, thus giving you inaccurate results. Minerals that are chelated with amino-acids are the best form to use as these deffinately absorb well. Minerals that do ot absorb weil can easily overload the kidneys in the process of elimination. Check the results with your pH indicator kit, Another 2 minerals that lack in our food are Magnesium and Zink. You might have to supplement zink additionally. Zink aids the immune system and other essential body functions. The best source is Zinplex which contains chelated Zink and Selenium, Do not take your Zink and Calcium together as Calcium inhibits the absorption of the Zink. (Calcium - first thing in the morning and or last thing in the evening before bedtime on an empty stomach. Zink - after a meal) Do not use many other supplements and especialy not herbal remedies at this point as this might obscure the picture we want to see from eliminating foods. Candida: 5. If Candida occurs, stools will not be normal. Constipation, little white pieces of mucus in the stool, saliva dribbles on the pillow when sleeping, some neurological disorders like Autistic Symptoms, vaginal thrush, rectal itching, bloatedness, stomach cramps, white coating of the tongue, etc, may all occur and will be invigorated by using products like marmite, sugar or B-vitamins that are made from yeast. A runny tummy may also be present which is usually a sign of irritable bowel syndrome or gluten intolerance. If you have a Candida problem, start with fungal / parasite / microbacterial remedy straight from the start. Introduce probiotics after that when the elimination diet is completed. Also reduce your sugar intake. Preferably replace all your sugar with natural unrefined Palm Sugar or Xylitol. Concentrate on bacterial / fungal and parasite issues in your first couple of Scio sessions to give your body maximum support and get rid of antibodies. Maintain the elimination diet for at least 4 weeks or until symptom free. 6. Now start reintroducing 1 Food group at a time beginning with gliadin. Re-introduce in rather large portions for example: If you are not sure of gliadin intolerance, start with a tablespoon of Koo baked beans on an empty stomach. (Other brands - check label for starches) Observe. If no symptoms ‘occur, continue to give large quantities (1/2 a tin to 1 tin) again on an empty stomach. if symptoms. ‘occur discontinue immediately. If not, repeat during the course of the day in larger than normal quantities. Ex. Add other items in the group, like peas nuts or snacks made from pea flour. (Do not se peanuts or Soy for testing this group as these are sometimes a problem even if the gliadin group is not a problem.) If no symptoms occur keep in the diet for at least another week. Watch Closely for things like disruption of sleeping pattems, behaviour, postnasal drip, itching ears, coughing, asthma, hyperactivity, lethargy, runny or constipated bowel movements, flatulence, general attention and general immune system function. If no further symptoms occur you know that that food group is fine. If symptoms do occur, discontinue. 7. Wait for another week to clear the system of any remaining peptides or until health is regained. Start introducing the second food group. Move to testing soy and Peanuts. If Soy does not seem to give problems, even long term, eliminate mostly from the diet anyway, allowing only small amounts less frequently into the diet. Soy is not a food that is fit for human consumption and it's presence greatly disrupts hormones and could cause cancer. (Request full articles on Soy from Abundant Life) 8. Move to the next group; first Casein and then Gluten. Differentiate between Casein (milk protein) and Lactose (milk sugar). Start by using some Bulgarian yoghurt. If symptoms occur, all dairy should be eliminated without further testing, because that means that the problem lies in the as

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