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FADE IN: EXT. APARTMENT BLOCK - AFTERNOON TV sets buzz as we pan across a long line of identical windows.

We hold as two next door neighbours settle into some casual channel hopping. SPLIT SCREEN: INT. APARTMENTS - CONT'D Our protagonists, ROSEMARY and BASIL, flick from station to station and are simultaneously captivated by Bachelor Cooking. The two screens meld into one. INT. BASIL'S KITCHEN - CONT'D Cupboards fling open, revealing a plethora of quality ingredients. INT. ROSEMARY'S KITCHEN - CONT'D A cupboard creaks open, exposing sun deprived shelves loaded with cobwebs and tins labelled for donation. SPLIT SCREEN: INT. APARTMENTS - CONT'D BASIL raises a clever with precision and valour. ROSEMARY brandishes a tin opener with perplexity. INT. BASIL'S KITCHEN - CONT'D The hob is switched on and a rich olive oil sizzles. Exquisitely chopped ingredients shower into the pan. INT. ROSEMARY'S KITCHEN - CONT'D Opened cans line the counter. ROSEMARY stands over a saucepan, glugging in oil whilst skimming a recipe book. As she re-reads a sentence too many times, her lax arm continues to pour over the side of the pan and onto the floor. INT. BASIL'S KITCHEN - CONT'D

With a splash of Merlot, BASIL'S concoction goes up in a tamed blue flame and dies down within seconds. INT. ROSEMARY'S KITCHEN - CONT'D ROSEMARY approaches the pan brazenly with a bottle of 'something'. Her foot slips on the oily floor where she soon lands, leaving the bottle spinning in mid-air. Its destination: the pan. An unearthly explosion erupts from the pot. The kitchen is left charred and sticky. ROSEMARY emerges from behind the counter just as the wall disintegrates. A dumbfounded BASIL stares at the space where the separating wall used to stand. His ladle starts to drip. CUT TO: INT. THEIR APARTMENT - EVENING ROSEMARY and BASIL share a meal together in front of the wreckage, whilst smiling and getting to know each other.


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