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Learning Plan In English lll

Poem Interpretation How Do I Love Thee by: Elizabeth Barret Browning

At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to: Apply their own knowledge ,skills , and creativity through varied presentations

The teacher presents the word Love on the board. The teacher let some students to think of a word which they could associate to the word love .

The teacher takes some notes of the words being written by the students on the board. After which, the teacher asks these questions: 1. From the words written on the board, how would you define love? 2. In what common way we can express our love to someone?

The teachers presents the topic through a power point presentation of the poem entitled, How Do I Love Thee The teacher do the first reading of the poem, afterwards, the students will now read the poem.

The teacher asks the students, what is the poem all about? The teacher then solicit ideas from the students on the first line of the poem.

The teacher continue asking students on their idea of each lines of the poem till the last line of it The teacher provides feedback and supplemental discussion to the topic

The teacher group the students into six where they will do the following:

Share ideas regarding on the poem being discussed on the class earlier.

Come up with a creative plan where they were assigned to do so Come up with a very creative presentation

The teacher let the students to create a sort of insights to a poem but this time, they will present their work through: Group 1 acting

Group 2 Dancing

Group 3
Rap Group 4 panel discussion

Group 5 speech choir

Group 6
news casting

Content\ message Creativity Spontaneity Delivery

40% 30% 15% 15%


The teacher asks these questions:


What is the importance of love?

In what way you want to express your love to someone in order for him\her feel it?


The teacher gives the followings scores of the students performance. The teacher gives feedbacks to each group and provide some improvements.

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