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Ethical Issues

Regarding Human Cloning…… Is human cloning Ethical?


• spare embryos

• appear to be limited in the type of tissue they can be developed into.

• mature adult tissue cells reprogrammed to behave like stem cells.

• ...Some argue that the embryo requires and deserves no particular moral
attention whatsoever.looks like
• Others accept the special status of an embryo as a potential human being, yet
argue that the respect due to the embryo increases as it develops and that this
respect, in the early stages in particular, may properly be weighed against the
potential benefits arising from the proposed research.
Family Research Council (FRC), I strongly believe that a critical part of being pro-life is
to support measures that help the living.any attempt to clone a baby for reproductive
purposes.For Hatch, location determines personhood. His view is that an embryo isn’t a
human being as long as it’s in a petri dish.

Human Cloning is forbidden in Islam, the Islamic Fiqh Academy in its Tenth
Conference proceedings, which was convened in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in the period
from June 28, 1997 to July 3, 1997 issued A Fatwā stating that human cloning is
haraam (prohibited by the faith.

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