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ExtensionTasksfor TudorHistory HenryVIII 1) HUSBAND RULER FATHER

Put the above in order of strengths and weaknesses for Henry giving 5 reasons for each based on evidence that you have about him. 2) Imagine that you are an advisor to Henry who is about to go speed dating! He has asked you to come up with 5 questions for him to ask his dates. 3) Rate the Tudor Kings and Queens in order of success and give reasons for your answers. 4) Have a look at the interview with professor Kevin Dutton (by clicking on the link below) who assessed ten people he regarded as among Britains greatest to determine how psychopathic they were. Why do you think Henry VIII came out on top? 5) Can you defend any of what Henry did during his reign?

EdwardVI Watch the video clip on Edward. Your task is to devise and perform a short play about a scene from his life. Ideas: Procession during the eve of his coronation, his argument with Mary about her religion and practicing Mass, his disapproval of his Uncle Somerset, his death from tuberculosis.

Mary Horrible histories: 1) Paired activity: It is Marys coronation and one of you is a royal correspondent and the other is an interviewer back at the studio. Create a dialogue and act it out. To make it a group activity add other key historical figures such as Mary, Lady Jane Grey, Elizabeth or Northumberland (The Lord Protector). 2) The same as above but instead its the day that Mary has died. 3) Make a list of the all the problems that Mary had during her reign. What would you have done differently if you were her? ElizabethI 1) Write a diary entry for a typical day in the life of Elizabeth when she was growing up. 2) Imagine you are the king of Spain. What would you do differently in relation to conquering England and the English? 3) Watch the following clip of Elizabeths speech addressing the English army at Tilbury Fort before the Spanish Armada tried to invade England. Write this in modern day language.

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