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Oliver, Masroor and Leah

Synopsis for horror movie trailer: Uncontrollable

It is set in the present day. Olivia, who is a typical partying teenager walks downstairs slightly hangover from the night before and puts the news on whilst making breakfast for her and her sister. On the news, there is a report about a number of strange sightings of people acting strangely and standing completely still for no apparent reason. On the news report the reporter approached a young girl who is just stood in the middle of a field with dark droopy eyes. Olivia and her sister, Emma begin to get drawn into the report and the atmosphere in the room gets gradually tenser. The reporter is then attacked and stabbed by the young girl live on television. The camera men are heard screaming in the background, drop the camera and run away. Olivia and Emma watch it shock as the girl screams into the camera and runs away. Olivia asks Emma what the hell have I just watched? A montage sequence of events is then shown including; people in ragged masks walking down the street in a line, people running and screaming from them, Olivia and Emma hiding from their parents and dog who are acting rampage and berserk. They then regain conscience and wonder what they were doing and what was wrong with them. They want to find out what was causing them to act in such an uncontrollable way. It concludes with Emma, her father and mother cowering behind the sofa. They believe that Olivia has got the illness and is coming down the stairs with a knife scraping the banister. They turn to see if shes there after it goes quiet, she appears to have vanished. The father turns back in relief to see Olivia crouching in front of him. She puts her finger on her lips and stabs him in the neck. Whilst it happens Emma and her mother scream and begin to stroke the body. Olivia looks up into the mirror to see what she has become with a dark mysterious figure lurking behind her.

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