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deconstruction of the number 23

by zachary stephens

camera work
the camera work on this title sequence is very simple and closed off. its just a piece of paper on the screen and it moves from sheet to sheet its very simple yet also very effective as it reveals that its a thriller as its got cold colours and very still images.

the editing is also very simple in this sequence as it keeps to the same sheets of paper although there are jump cuts to different information on the sheets and whats happening on those sheets. also the slight blood stains being added on each time the sheets changed was very strong.

again this is very plain music yet also very strong as it keeps building up from fairly quiet to loud at the very end. the occasional change of sheet is also very clear and recognisable. overall the music is very strong and sets the tone for movie as it is a thriller.

the mise-en-scene is very good but simple as it is only the sheets of paper and the blood stains coming across the sheets of paper, it also the information on all the sheets is very important as it helps move the story along.

the way the titles are stylised and important how it comes between the normal information about the number 23 the names titles this is a very inventive way of getting the titles across also you can tell that its going to be a thriller as the font of the writing is very symbolic to thrillers.

representation of character
we dont see anything about the characters in this title sequence as it mainly focuses on the number 23.

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