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Causes of the war of 1812

Impressment British plundering and forced recruitment of American ships (be them trade ships or not). Non-Intercourse Act 1809 A watered-down version of Jeffersons Embargo Act which was aimed solely at France and Britain hurt relations between the triad of nations involved. Macons Bill no. 2 Reopened American ports to the world and proved that America was unable to survive without the help of their former oppressors. Orders in Council Made in 1806 by Britain, they half-promised to France that their trade restrictions would be lifted if French decrees were also lifted. War Hawks Newly-elected young hot heads in Madisons party who yearned for warfare with Britain once more. Tecumseh & The Prophet Two Shawnee Indians who saw the advantages in an Indian confederacy but were put down once and for all at the Battle of Tippecanoe.

War Of 1812

William Henry Harrison The ninth president of the U.S. who was responsible for being a general in the Battle of Tippecanoe bringing about the downfall of Tecumseh. Republicanism The idea that the government should be elected into office instead of being passed down from generation to generation. Federalists in New England Prior to the war, Federalists in NE discussed several constitutional amendments necessary to protecting their interests in regards to the British blockade of their ports.

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